Cloud Computing for Data Analysis Exercise - 03: Hive 1. Download Car data from : 2. Unzip and copy the data.txt and attributes.txt to your web server using WinSCP or CyberDuck 3. Create a new directory CarData in HDFS using the command: hadoop fs -mkdir /user/YourUserName/CarData 4. Copy the above files to CarData directory in HDFS also by using following commands: hadoop fs -put CarData.txt /user/YourUserName/CarData/ hadoop fs -put CarDataAttributes.txt /user/YourUserName/CarData/ 4. In the cluster, to enter Hive, type hive and click Enter $ hive hive> 5. Create a table called CarData in Hive by using the attribute names from CarDataAttributes.txt. CREATE TABLE UNCCUserNameCarData(Buying STRING,Maint STRING,Doors STRING,Persons STRING,LugBoot STRING,Safety STRING,Class String) COMMENT 'This is the Cars table' ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/user/YourUserName/CarData'; To create Hive table see the tutorial below : (NOTE: The Hive tables that we create are centralized. If we create a table named CarData, it will be created for the entire class. So create unique Hive tables like UNCCUserNameCarData) (NOTE: The directory(CarData) that we created in HDFS may get deleted after creating table. So if we run into any problem while running this command or if we want to create table again, we have to check if the file 'CarData.txt' is still available in HDFS. If it got deleted, we have to do the steps 3 and 4 again) 6. load data inpath '/users/YourUserName/CarData.txt' into table UNCCUserNameCarData; 7. Run SQL queries on table CarData : INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY '/users/YourUserName/CarDataOutput' ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' SELECT * FROM UNCCUserNameCarData WHERE UNCCUserNameCarData.Buying = 'vhigh' AND UNCCUserNameCarData.Doors LIKE '%more' AND UNCCUserNameCarData.Class = 'unacc'; This command will store the query output in the directory 'CarDataOutput'. We can access files inside this directory from CyberDuck or WinSCP. The output file would be named something like 000000_0. We can rename it to any name like 'CarDataOutput.txt' 8. Save all commands in your Terminal Window in a Text File , and upload the TeminalWindow.txt and CarDataOutput.txt to Canvas .