LERS algorithm in Hadoop MapReduce Download source code here: http://webpages.uncc.edu/aatzache/ITCS6190/Exercises/HadoopLERS_Example.zip To run the Code: 1. Copy the attached Hadoop_LERS.jar file to your WinSCP or CyberDuck 2. Copy all files : data.txt, attributes.txt and parameters.txt to WinSCP 3. Copy all files : data.txt, attributes.txt and parameters.txt to DSBA-HDFS using the command: hadoop fs -put /users/UNCC_NAME/FILE_PATH/filename.txt /user/UNCC_NAME/ 4. Run the .jar file using your terminal or Putty using following command: hadoop jar path-to-jar-file snippet.Main path-to-attributes-file path-to-data-file path-to-parameters-file path-to-LERS-Output 5. Copy the output using the command: hadoop fs -get /user/UNCC_NAME/LOCATION_FOR_OUTPUT /users/UNCC_NAME/Hadoop_LERS_Output.txt 6. Submit a copy of your execution from the terminal window and program output in Canvas