Cloud Computing for Data Analysis ---------------------------------- Group Activity 07 - Spark GraphX --------------------------------- Creating Scala-Spark project and adding dependencies in Scala-IDE 1.1. Open Scala-IDE 1.2. Create New Maven project 1.3. Right click on the project, click Configure and click "add Scala Nature" 1.4. Add the following dependencies in pom.xml. org.apache.spark spark-core_2.11 2.1.2 org.apache.spark spark-graphx_2.11 2.1.2 1.5. Right click on the project and click "Properties" 1.6. Select Scala Compiler. Enable "Use Project Settings" and select "Latest 2.10 bundle" from the drop down box Part-1: 1. Download GraphXBasics.scala from Copy this file into your project //This code executes a simple GraphX operations 2. Click RunAs and select Maven Clean 3. Click RunAs and select Maven Install. This creates a .jar file inside 'target' folder in your project 4. Run this .jar file in the cluster or in Eclipse NOTE: We have to give an output path as an argument value NOTE: We need to specify your hadoop home directory in the program, if you are running the code in Eclipse 5. To run in a cluster, use: spark2-submit --master yarn --class "ClassName" INPUT_PATH_TO_JAR_FILE OUTPUT_PATH 6. We will get Multiple Output files. Upload all output files in Canvas. Part-2 1. Create a new Maven project and do necessary configurations as told before 2. Download GraphXShortestPath.scala from Copy this file into your project. //This code executes Dijkstra's Shortest path algorithm for a given dataset 2. Download 'animal_terms.txt' from //This file contain graph vertices(animal names) 3. Download 'animal_distances.txt' from //This file contain graph edges in the format of: (animalVertex1,animalVertex2,edge_weight) NOTE: We need to specify your hadoop home directory in the program, if you are running the code in Eclipse NOTE: We should specify 3 argument values: 1: file path of animal_terms.txt , 2: file path of animal_distances.txt , 3: output path 4. Get a .jar file as mentioned in Part-1 5. To run the jar file in cluster, use: spark2-submit --master yarn --class "ClassName" INPUT_PATH_TO_JAR_FILE INPUT_PATH_TO_VERTICES_FILE INPUT_PATH_TO_EDGES_FILE OUTPUT_PATH 6. Submit the output file in Canvas