First printing
December 26th, 1999
Page 59, Figure 2.29: Interchange labels, C and D, on lower transistors.
Page 67: Numbering maxterms normally uses inverse variables (strictly not an error).
Page 92/3: Last line of paragraph should read:
and the outputs
implements the functions:
Page 107, line 19: "flop-flop" should read "flip-flop"
Page 142:
Figure 5.8 Labelling three states that lead to the same next state
better given as:
Figure 5.8 State variable assignment rules
Page 143, line 8/9:
Using rule 1 on states 4, 5 and 8 not applied. Instead a simple gray code assignment done.
Page 154 and 155
Output function should use state variables:
I am very grateful for the following who identified mistakes:
Professor Daniel Cardoso de Souza, Federal University of Parß, BrazilFert Akcin, Fachochschule Darmstadt
Please contact me at if you notice additional errors.
Thank you.