Pattern Programming Framework
Frequently Asked Questions
Sept 4, 2013
General: Always first check that all entered information is correct.
1. (Linux version) Java not found.
Seeds hard codes the location java executable at /usr/java/jdk1.5/bin/java. Create a symbolic link to the correct location. (Thank you Ben Barbour (UNCW) for pointing this out.)
2. Internet version
(a) When I run a Seeds project, I
get in the console window "...could not get message ..
connection refused .." and stops.
Check that the name of the computer you have used in the
AvailableServers.txt and in an argument for the run module class are
correct. In particular, do not use the computer name that you
will see from "View system information" or similar, which can
have additional chararters added to the name. You MUST use the hostname command to
retrieve the computer name.
(b) I get a "connection timed out" message in the logging messages and then stops.
This version of Seeds needs an Internet connection and certain ephemeral (5xxx) ports open to function. Check IP address listed in logging messages exists. Particular care to the network setup should be paid if the computer is a laptop, since laptops change their network configuration depending on where they are and who is providing the Internet access.
If for some reason you get connection timed out or the output does not proceed after a previous failed launch you may need to restart Eclipse as a port may not have closed properly. If all else fails, try re-starting the computer.
Other possible reasons include firewalls blocking ports. Use the version that does not need a Internet connection (non-network or multicore versions).
3. Multicore version
(a) I get a “java.lang.NullPointerException at edu.uncc.grid.example.workpool.RunMonteCarloPiModule.main(" error
Make sure you are using just one argument for the program, the name of the computer.
Make sure the Java version is compatible. 32-bit Eclipse must use 32-bit Java and 64-Bit Eclipse must be used if 64-bit Java is installed.
(b) I get the error "Exception ... Seeds cannot be resolved ..."
Check the path to the seeds in the first command line argument of the Bootstrap run module class.
Reconstruct the build path for the Seeds libraries.