The following page is provided as a brief introduction to some of the Unix commands that will be used frequently. For more information about these commands, please read the on-line manual pages.
Note: The %" character shown in the examples below is the shell prompt, and should not be typed when you use these commands. Only type what appears after the %.
%aimk master1 slave1
This command line will build the executable files given by the rules in the makefile for master1 and slave1. For more information about aimk, click here.
%cd example
Executing the above command will move try to make the directory example the current directory. If this directory does not exist however, you can not move into it. Refer to mkdir below for help with creating a directory.
%man who
This command line will list the pages for the Unix command who.
%mkdir example
Execution of the above line will cause a directory called example to be created under the current directory.
%setenv DISPLAY ws255:0
This line sets the variable DISPLAY to ws255:0. The value of this variable, when read by the X server, tells the server where to display any output that is generated.
%source .cshrc
This command line executes all the instructions included in the .cshrc file.
%telnet ken2171-pc
This command line will attempt to establish a TELNET connection with ken2171-pc.
%which sum
The example line above will return the path of the executable file that would be executed.
%xhost ken2171-pc
The command line above adds ken2171-pc to this list. This command should preceed a telnet connection to ken2171-pc.
Executing this command will add all possible hosts to the list allowed to make connections to the X server.