Step 2 of 5: Functionality

As you review the xpvm GUI, you will notice the following functionality:
  • Hosts pull down menu permits you to configure your parallel virtual machine by adding and removing hosts. Xpvm will permit you to select all or any hosts from a hostfile or explicitly by name.
  • Tasks pull down menu enables you to spawn, signal, or kill PVM processes. You can also monitor selected PVM system tasks, such as the group server process.
  • Reset pull down menu allows you to reset your parallel virtual machine, xpvm views, or trace file. The "Quit" and "Halt" buttons operate as expected.
  • Help pull down menu provides help on most xpvm features.
  • Views pull down menu permits selection of any of the five xpvm displays for monitoring program execution.
  • Trace file play back controls allow you to play, step forward, stop or reset the execution trace file.
  • Trace file selection window displays the name of the current trace file and allows entry of a different trace file name. Also provides buttons to specify playback or overwrite of the selected trace file.