Step 4 of 5: Monitor Views

XPVM serves as a real time performance monitor for PVM tasks. Tasks spawned from XPVM automatically send back trace events that describe any desired PVM activity. The monitor views scroll and zoom in unison and are time correlated, allowing the user to more easily compare different information about a particular occurrence in the program execution.

  • The Network View displays high-level activity on the hosts in the Virtual Machine. Each host is represented by an icon image which includes the architecture and name of the host. These icons are illuminated in different colors to indicate the status of the tasks running on each host.
  • The Space-Time View shows the status of individual tasks as they execute across all hosts. Each task is represented by a horizontal bar along a common time axis, where the color of the bar at each time indicates the state of the task.
  • The Utilization View summarizes the Space-Time View at each time instant, showing the number of tasks Computing, in Overhead, or Waiting for a message at any given time. This information is represented by three colored rectangles, stacked vertically at each time instant, with Computing on the bottom, Overhead in the middle, and Waiting on top. The default colors are green for Computing, yellow for Overhead, and red for Waiting.