(section 090)
August 24th: Introduction to the Course
Information Design and Digital Publishing
Tonight we have the following fun things to go over:
Information Design for the 21st Century
Let's go over the syllabus and discuss the
course requirements. Please ask questions when they come up. In this class you will create documents using the various software we have in the computer lab. However, the primary goal of this class is not to teach you how to use these software packages. The recommended books are just that--recommended. You have to decide whether or not it's worth investing in them. The required design books will be our primary focus in this class: effective design, unlike technology, has a longer shelf life.
The following Adobe products should be used to complete your assignments:
- Dreamweaver
- InDesign
- Photoshop
Additionally, you'll be using MS Word (or another word processor) to type memos and reflections about the assignments you do. Don't blow off that step! Reflection is a way to get you to be conscious of the design choices you make.
Go to the syllabus for the course in which you're enrolled: 4182 or 5182. Because we're trying to conserve resources, I won't be printing the syllabus out for you. In fact, I'll do my best to go paperless, but I'm not sure I'll make it 100%.
Class Interviews
We'll use Moodle this semester for a few things such as reading quizzes and discussions. Tonight I want us to get comfortable with (or just get on) Moodle. Please interview a person in class
that, if possible, you don't know from a previous semester. Report the following
back to class (in Moodle):
Year (don't put 2010--junior, senior, grad, etc.)
Job/Future Job
Favorite Book
Favorite Movie (good movies can be found here)
What do you expect in ENGL 4182/5182?
- Do not say an 'A'.
- What do you want to know about Information Design?
- If you want to learn software, there are easier ways, so this class isn't for you.
- Actually, just own up to it. If you're just taking this because it's required, just say so. Why hide it?
Maintain a Webpage all Semester
Some of you are already experts at this,
and some of you are brand new. I want you to create a webpage for this course. Let's try to get one up today.
Next Week's Readings
Make sure you read Chapters 1 and 2 in Document Design before coming to class next week (8/31). These chapters serve as an introduction to information design and digital publishing. While the material may seem like "common sense," don't think that you can dismiss the reading. The concepts might seem obvious, but the vocabulary and theory behind the ideas are important. Also, your exams will cover the reading in this course as well as "information design fundamentals." |