Creating Grids in InDesign
Your textbook mentions on p. 139 how to create grids in InDesign. Well, it doesn't show you how, but it mentions that it's a possibility. I have a mini tutorial below about how to do it.
Step 1: Go to the "Layout" menu and click "Create Guides..."
![Creating Grids](../optical/Grids01.jpg)
Step 2: Select the number of rows and columns you'd like and the size of your gutters.
![Gridline Dialog Box](../optical/Grids02a.jpg)
Then click "OK"
![InDesign Document with new gridlines](../optical/Grids03.jpg)
Step 3: You may adjust the gutters using the cursor.
![Adjusted gridlines](../optical/Grids04.jpg)
Step 4: You may change the gridlines at any time by going back into the "Create Guides" dialog box and clicking "Remove Existing Ruler Guides"
![Remove Gridlines](../optical/Grids05.jpg)
Step 5: By clicking the "Preview" box, you are able to see the gridlines behind the "Create Guides" dialog box.
![Preview Gridlines](../optical/Grids06.jpg)
Now that you've done gridlines in InDesign, do you think you can do them in Photoshop? |