ENGL 4400/5400 |
December 6th: Presentations Discussion and Wrapping Up
- Dr. Toscano's teaching ENGL 6166 for Spring
If you're in that class, previously scheduled to be taught by Dr. Knoblauch, please be checking your e-mail this Winter breaK...for updates.
- Any plans for break?
Tonight's Plan
- Presentations
- Final Exam stuff
- Make sure your webpages are finished
How about some volunteers...If I don't get any, I'll just go alphabetically by the class links page.
Final Exam Stuff
Can you believe it's just one week before the
final exam? Unbelievable. Well, you have nothing to fear if
you've been coming to class and reading. The final will focus
mainly on Document Design (Ch. 5-9) textbook, and there will be very little material from The Non-Designer's Design Book.
Make sure you know the following:
- Spacing between lines and letters
- Various names for types of fonts
- Typeface fundamentals
- Extratextual elements
- Color and ways to talk about color
- CMYK and RGB
- Ethics and visuals--images and graphs, charts, tables
The final exam will be fill in the blank, short answer, and an essay-ish question that will ask you to identify ______, _______, and _______.
Finish Web Pages
I know you'll ask, so here's the answer: your webpages should include the material listed on the website section of the assignments page. There is also information on the webpage startup page. Make sure you have links to all your webpage classwork on your index page, and, once again, check the page to make sure your link works. I screwed up a few links. Also, don't forget the groupwork discussions--color, typeface, etc.
Next Week: Final Exam
One more to go! Next week I'll pass back portfolios and give you your final exam.
Final Exam:
12/13 @ 6:30 pm--Please check to make sure you don't have any conflicts.