Photoshop Midterm Logo Tutorial
UNC Charlotte Logo
Using Photoshop, re-create the folowing image:

The image should be saved as a psd and as a jpg. The typeface (font) is IMPACT and the font size is 66pt. This should be on a white background, and it should go on your webpage (after it's been cropped). Below are the RGB codes for the green text and the gold trim, which should be set to 50% Opacity:
R= 0; G= 112; B= 60
R= 166; G= 150; B= 96 (To the best of my knowledge, this is the official RGB gold for the Stake Your Claim Campaign)
I want to see how far you get, so try to figure this out first. If you get stuck, maybe I'll help you out. I've got you started below.
Making the "Approved" UNC Charlotte Logo using Photoshop
- Open up a new Photoshop file. The Height and Width don't matter because you'll crop out a rectangle of the text image when you're done. Make sure you set the "Color Mode" to RGB Color and 8 bit or else you won't be able to save it as a jpg.
