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I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Software and Information Systems at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. I obtained my Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Temple University from 2016 to 2022, under the supervision of Prof. Xiaojiang Du. My dissertation title was "Semantics-aware Effective Security Solutions for Home Automation System." Prior to that, I obtained my bachelor's degree in Information Security from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) from 2011 to 2015. My research interests are in the areas of security of Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML).
My research interests mainly span the security and privacy of Internet of Things, Cyber-Physical Systems, and Artificial Intelligence. I am currently committed to carrying out research on securing Smart Home Systems (SHS) and Industrial Control Systems (ICS), which involve anomaly detection and vulnerability discovery.
AI for Security involves leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms to detect and mitigate security threats in real time, ensuring robust protection for complex systems. My focus is on utilizing AI to enhance security mechanisms across IoT and CPS environments.
Anomaly Detection aims to extract the invariant patterns of IoT and CPS systems' normal behaviors from semantic information and training datasets. Abnormal behaviors are detected as violations or deviations from these learned patterns.
IoT Vulnerability Discovery utilizes software testing tools such as formal verification and fuzzing to localize design and implementation flaws that cause security policy violations. Domain-specific knowledge helps automate and optimize vulnerability discovery.
2024.10: Lead the effort of "Building Customizable Large Language Model Services for Education and Research", which is funded by UNC Charlotte's core facility development program ($200K).
2024.10: Poster "TAPChecker: Model Checking in Trigger-Action Rules Generation Using Large Language Models" presented at ACM CCS 2024.
2024.10: Our paper "Audio-Assisted Smart Home Security Monitoring with Few Samples" got accepted by IEEE Globecom 2024.
2024.08: Our paper "ShadowConn: Breaking the Entanglement of Cross-platform IoT Delegation in Multi-user Environments" got accepted by EAI SmartSP 2024.
2024.04: Our paper "Attacking IoT Devices through IoT Cloud Platforms: An Empirical Study" got accepted by ACM CODASPY 2024.
2023.09: Chenglong Fu joins the Center for Energy Security and Reliability Research Center (CESAR).
2016.08-2022.05: Ph.D. in Computer and Information Sciences, Temple University, Philadelphia PA
GPA: 3.82/4.0
2011.08-2015.06: BEng in Information Security, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei China
GPA: 3.4/4.3
Aug 2022 - Present: Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Sep 2016 - May 2022: Research Assistant, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Worked on vulnerability discovery and anomaly detection of smart home automation systems, supervised by Prof. Xiaojiang Du
Huan Bui, Harper Lienerth, Chenglong Fu, and Meera Sridhar. "Poster: TAPChecker: Model Checking in Trigger-Action Rules Generation Using Large Language Models." Presented at ACM CCS 2024.
Haotian Chi, Qi Ma, Yuxuan Zhang, Chenglong Fu, Yuwei Wang, Haijun Geng, and Xiaojiang Du. "Audio-Assisted Smart Home Security Monitoring with Few Samples." IEEE Globecom 2024.
Huan Bui, Chenglong Fu. "ShadowConn: Breaking the Entanglement of Cross-platform IoT Delegation in Multi-user Environments." Accepted by EAI 2024.
Md Rabbi Alam, Jinpeng Wei, Md Sajidul Islam Sajid, Qingyang Wang, and Chenglong Fu. "Attacking IoT Devices through the IoT Cloud Platforms: An Empirical Study." Accepted by ACM CODASPY 2024.
Lead PI - UNC Charlotte Core Facilities Program, 2024-2025: "Building Customizable Large Language Model Services for Education and Research", $200K
CoPI - NC Research Opportunities Initiative, 2023-2026: "North Carolina Research Capacity Building for a Secure & Reliable Power Grid 2050", $1.5M
PI - UNCC Faculty Research Grants Program, 2024-2025: "Automated Auditing of Initial Coin Offerings", $8K
2023.01-Present: Instructor, ITIS 4221/5221: Secure Programming and Penetration Testing, College of Computing and Informatics, UNC Charlotte
Class Evaluation: 4.0/5
2023.01-2023.05: Instructor, ITSC 3146: Operating System and Networks, College of Computing and Informatics, UNC Charlotte
Class Evaluation: 4.1/5
2017.08-2020.12: Lab Instructor, CIS 3207: Operating System, Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Temple University
2017.01-2017.05: Lab Instructor, CIS 2107: Low-level Programming, Temple University
Scott Hibbs Future of Computing Award, Temple University, April 2021
Selected as the sole recipient among all graduate and undergraduate students in the CIS Department
Outstanding Undergraduate Scholarship, University of Science and Technology of China, Sep 2014
Seagate Scholarship, Granted by Seagate Technology, Dec 2013
Outstanding College Graduate in Provincial Scale, Granted by Department of Education of Anhui Province, June 2015