Personal Background: I’m originally from and have lived in Wake Forest, NC all my life before moving here to go to UNCC. I’ve worked customer service jobs for the past 3-4 years while finishing high school and attending Wake Tech community college. Love my mom, dad, sister and two dogs. I like basketball, video games, working out and cooking.
Professional Background: Job hopped customer service jobs throughout highschool and my year at community college. Includes: Pelican's Snoballs, Chilis, Publix, Panera Bread and BestBuy. Currently doordashing.
Academic Background: Graduated from Heritage High School in 21, spent a year at Wake Tech community college and decided I wanted to study CS and transferred here last year.
Background in this Subject: I’ve only taken intro to java one and two before this class. Other than some of the early projects from I have no other background in web development.
Primary Computer Platform: I’ve always used windows. Might switch to mac once I have money.
Courses Im Taking and Why:
ITCS3112 - Design & Implementation of Object-Oriented systems: Required and will familiarize me with the process of building object-oriented code.
ITIS3130 - Human Centered Design: Required and will help me design projects that consumers will want to use
ITIS3135 - Web App Design and Development: I want to learn to make websites with cool animations. I think it’d be cool to have my digital portfolio on a sick website I made.
ITIS3688 - Computers & Their Impact On Society: Required and will help many soft skills like communication
STAT2223 - Elements of Statistics II: Required, statistics are useful
Funny/Interesting Item to Remember me by: I got a blackbelt in tae-kwon-doe when I was like 12 so I don't know if it really counts.
I'd also like to Share: I really like cookouts and bojangles.