AMS 2007 Spring Southeastern Section Meeting
Davidson College
Davidson, NC
March 3-4, 2007
Meeting #1024

Algebraic and Extremal Combinatorics

Organizers: László Székely and Gábor Hetyei

Invited Speakers:

Margaret Bayer, University of Kansas
Miklós Bóna, University of Florida
Joshua N Cooper, University of South Carolina
Robert G. Donnelly, Murray State University
Art M. Duval, University of Texas at El Paso
Richard Ehrenborg, University of Kentucky (on sabbatical at MIT)
Zoltán Füredi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jerrold R. Griggs, University of South Carolina
Jim Haglund, University of Pennsylvania
Felix Lazebnik, University of Delaware
Jenõ Lehel, The University of Memphis
Nicholas A. Loehr, College of William and Mary
Michael J Pelsmajer, Illinois Institute of Technology
Robert A. Proctor, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Michael Reid, University of Central Florida
Attila Sali, Univ. of South Carolina and Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics
John R Stembridge, University of Michigan
Michelle L. Wachs, University of Miami
Hua Wang, University of Florida
Xingxing Yu, Georgia Institute of Technology

Schedule of session

Travel Information

AMS has posted a detailed information page on registration and housing.

Davidson College has a maps and directions page.

The room number for our session is Chambers 3068, almost all events will take place in the Chambers building. Just to remind you, we can park next to the Bakers Sports complex. A printable campus map may be downloaded from Davidson's maps and directions page.

Available presentation tools

According to a recent email from Prof Matthew Miller, " ALL Special Session rooms will be equipped with computer projection devices (you plug in your laptop and it projects on a screen, often, but not always, directly in front of the room--in some cases they have arranged that the drop down screen does not block the dry erase board). There are no chalkboards. The podium also has a document camera (known to some as an Elmo). This will project virtually anything: printed text, written text, transparencies, 3-D objects. In my experience they the projection distinguishes colors but not always as faithfully as one might hope."

Per request of one of our participants I obtained a promise from John Swallow (faculty at Davidson College) that besides the document camera we will also have an overhead projector in our room. Thus, if you are planning to use transparencies, you will be able to project two at a time.

Conference dinner

We have tentatively reserved 20 seats for a common dinner at Jasper's (International Couisine) for March 3, 6:45 pm. This restaurant is only a few minutes walk away from the Davidson College Campus, and there are only very few restaurants which are so conveniently located. They are not too large either-- to me it seems that in case of full attendance we will occupy about 1/3d or 1/2 of the space available at Jasper's. That's why I urgently need your response whether you want to join this party, or dine on your own. Please respond either way at your earliest convenience.
Jasper's has a webpage at (For some reason the menu will not load if you use Firefox, so please use Internet Explorer exceptionally.)

Update added on Thursday, March 01, 2007: 20 people responded to the invitation positively. I requested the restaurant manager to keep about four more seats available. So everybody will be able to join.

Last update: Thursday, March 01, 2007