This page is not updated any more.

Important announcement: Due to technical difficulties, the University has changed the time of most final exams. Our Final Exam will be on Monday December 11, during our usual class meeting time 2:00-3:15 pm. I will adapt the contents of the final to the shorter time. Since I am not supposed to change the weight of the final, I may also assign take home questions to be handed in at the time of the final. Make sure you attend our last day of classes, and keep an eye on our class homepage for updates. Please also check with the instructors of your other classes for final exam changes.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Homework assignments
(MATH 1120-011, Fall 2006)
Instructor: Gábor Hetyei Last update: Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Disclaimer: The information below comes with no warranty. If, due to typographical error, there is a discrepancy between the exercise numbers announced in class and the numbers below, or this page is not completely up to date, the required homework consists of those exercises which were announced in class. Check for the time of last update above. If, by my mistake, a wrong exercise number shows up below, I will allow you extra time to hand in the exercise whose number was announced in class. If, however, exercise numbers are missing because this page is not up to date, it is your responsibility to contact me before the due date. (No extra time will be allowed in that case.) This page is up to date if the last update happened after the last class before the next due date.
How to read this list:
1.1/2,4 means exercises no. 2 and 4 from section 1.1
R2/64 means exercise no. 64 from the review at the end of chapter 2.
No. Date due: Exercises:
14 Monday, December 4, 2006
6.3/2;   6.4/ 8, 10, 28;   6.5/14, 20, 22;   6.6/20.
13 Monday, November 27, 2006
6.1/52, 56, 58;   6.2/2, 4, 24, 40.
12 Monday, November 13, 2006 5.6/2, 4, 10, 12;   6.1/14, 24, 32, 36.
Our third test is on Monday November 13. You may download the sample test I distributed in class.
11 Monday, November 6, 2006 5.3/2, 6, 12, 18;   5.4/6, 16, 28, 52; 5.5/4, 8, 38.
10 Monday, October 30, 2006 5.1/4, 6, 16, 22, 26;   5.2/14, 18, 20, 24, 28.
9 Monday, October 30, 2006
4.4/22, 26, 36, 38;   4.5/2, 8, 12, 18.
Note: In class I explained that the profit function you want to maximize in 4.5/18 is 50,000+5x-0.0002 x(x+1)/2. Here x is the number of bottles sold after selling 10,000 bottles. I offered 5 bonus hw points for a simple explanation of this formula. This formula is correct if we take text literally, and assume the profit drops by 0.0002 for each extra bottle sold. However, you may also read the question in a way that it says: the per bottle (average) profit drops by 0.0002 for each extra bottle sold. In that case you get a much simpler function.
8 Monday, October 16, 2006 4.3/26, 28, 34, 46, 54.
Our second test is on Monday October 16. You may download the sample test I distributed in class.
7 Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4.1/18, 20, 34;   4.2/24, 26, 28, 34.
6 Monday, October 2, 2006 3.3/12, 20, 28, 34, 36;   3.4/4, 6, 30;   3.5/4, 10, 16;   3.7/16.
5 Monday, September 25, 2006 3.1/24, 26, 34, 36;   3.2/2, 14, 18, 30.
4 Monday, September 18, 2006 2.5/16, 18, 20, 42, 44, 50, 52, 60;   2.6/6, 8, 14, 18, 20.
Our first test is on Monday September 18. You may download the sample test I distributed in class.
3 Monday, September 11, 2006 2.4/6, 12, 16, 18, 20, 28, 52, 56.
2 Wednesday, September 6, 2006 2.2/4,8,24,32,36,44;   2.3/18,40,72,80.
1 Monday, August 28, 2006 1.1/ 12, 16, 18, 30, 46, 50, 70, 72;   1.2/2, 24, 40, 54, 60, 90;   1.3/22, 30, find the center and radius of the circle given by x2-2x+y2-8y+1=0;   1.4/12, 20, 26, 28;   2.1/2, 12, 16cd, 34.