Instructor: Gábor Hetyei
Office: Fretwell 335F, Phone: 867-2543, E-mail:
Office hours:   MWF 9:30-10:30 am or by appointment.
Text: Introductory Combinatorics by Kenneth P. Bogarth, third Ed., Academic Press.
Prerequisite: MATH 2164 or consent of the department.
Sets: Counting Principles. Relations, Functions. Binomial and Multinomial Theorems. Mathematical Induction. Equivalence Relations. Partitions. Algebraic counting techniques. The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion. Generating Functions. (Chapters 1-2, Chapter 3/Sections 1-2.)
Graphs and Algorithms: Basic Notions. Eulerian Walks. Trees. Spanning Trees. Search Trees. Algorithms and their Interpretation. Isomorphism and Planarity. Digraphs. Orientation. (Chapter 4/Sections 1-5.)
Matching and Optimization: Coloring. Graphs and Matrices. Matching. Bipartite Graphs. Greedy Algorithm. Stable Marriages. Network Flow. Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem. (Chapter 5/Sections 1-3, Chapter 6/Section 1.)
Test Dates:
Test 1 Thursday February 13 2003 7:30-8:50 pm.
Test 2 Thursday March 27 2003 7:30-8:50 pm.
Final Exam Thursday May 8 2003, 7:00-10:00 pm
(Double-check in the UNCC Exam schedule !)
The final exam will be cumulative, consisting of two parts of equal weight. The first part will be mandatory, covering only material taught after Test 2. The second half will contain questions reviewing the material taught before Test 2. This part will be optional, if left unanswered, I will substitute the average of your test scores.
Homework: Homework will be assigned nearly every day, and will be usually collected on Tuesday. I will make an effort to regularly post the homework on the webpage .  In case of discrepancy, what I said in class is "official". A random selection of the assigned exercises will be graded. Some homework exercises will be discussed in next class and not graded. Specially designed assigments will be given and collected every 3 or 4 weeks.
Evaluation: Grades will be based on: 20% for the homework, 20% for each of the tests, and 40% for the final.
Class meeting: TR 7:30-8:50 pm in Denny 217.