Considering Algorithms
Jake Thakur
April 2022
An algorithm is a finite sequence of well-defined instructions, generally used to solve a
problem, process data, or perform a calculation. Algorithms are typically defined mathematically
in the sense that the given procedure will work for any valid arguments. While understanding
how to apply a specific algorithm by hand is certainly important, it is not always the most
practical; for example, what if we need to sort an array of several thousand elements to be in
ascending order? It is certainly possible to do by hand; however, the process is time and labor
consuming with a margin for error. Rather, an algorithm can be programmed on a computer to do
this task for us, saving the cost of work and time, while also enabling reusability.
When comparing the execution of a computer algorithm to get a desired result to the
process of doing it by hand, it is in most cases true that the algorithm will be more efficient and
have 100% accuracy. But what if we compare an algorithm to another algorithm?
Analysis and Efficiency
Before comparing multiple algorithms to each other, individual analysis must be done for
each algorithm; essentially, answering the question, “How well does the given algorithm
The performance of an algorithm is determined by several factors: the correctness of the
output data, the reusability of the code, how well it can handle different data, the efficiency with
respect to execution and runtime (time complexity) and with respect to hardware and memory
allocation (space complexity), and its overall functionality, i.e., does the algorithm output the
expected data, and how much time and resource does it cost to work?
When we compare algorithms, it is assumed that they work properly, primarily leaving
the concern of efficiency to be compared. Big-O Notation, A theoretical measure of the
execution of an algorithm, usually the time or memory needed, given the problem size n, which
is usually the number of items.” (Black, P.), is a mathematical tool that can be used to evaluate
the time complexity and the space complexity of an algorithm. This makes the comparison of the
overall efficiency of an algorithm a much easier process by looking into the Big-O for each
algorithm and seeing which is better. An algorithm with a “better” Big-O is more efficient; the
complexities (from best to worst) are O(1), O(log n), O(n), O(n log n), O(nk > 1), O([k > 1]n), and
O(n!), illustrated below (Nilsson, S.).
The time complexity can be measured by stepping through the lines of code paying close
attention to the areas where there are arrays and other data structures, mathematical operations,
conditional statements, loops, and function calls, then consider how long the worst case takes to
run, i.e., the maximum possible runtime. Then the complexity in Big-O notation can be denoted
by using the following hierarchy: O(1) < O(log n) < O(n) < O(n log n) < O(nk > 1) < O([k > 1]n) <
O(n!); namely, if the code contains a segment that is of a higher order complexity, then the entire
code is of the higher order complexity (Mejia, A.). How this affects the runtime is significant; if
an algorithm has a factorial time complexity, like the LaPlace Expansion for determinants of nxn
matrices, (stack overflow) then as n increases, the runtime also increases by a factor of n
factorial, which is extremely compromising; consider the difference of a 5x5 and a 6x6 matrix
using this algorithm, the factor of growth would be at least 720 times.
The space complexity of an algorithm is slightly more complicated to determine than the
time complexity, however it follows the same conventions. In order to do so, we must first know
the size in bytes of the datatypes being used in the language being programmed in, then by
analyzing the areas where arrays and other data structures, mathematical operations, conditional
statements, loops, and function calls are utilized, the complexity is given by stepping through
each operation and calculating the worst case (most expensive) size in bytes demanded for
memory allocation; for example, an array of integers in Java requires 4 * n bytes. There are three
conditions for memory allocation that affect the overall space complexity of an algorithm (study
Instruction Space: the amount of memory used to save the compiled version of
Environmental Stack: when an algorithm is called inside another algorithm, the current
variables are pushed onto the system stack where they wait for further execution.
Data Space: the amount of space used by variables and constants.
Reconsidering the example of sorting an array of several thousand elements to be in
ascending order, we can now compare the order of efficiency of various sorting algorithms to
decide which one is more optimal.
Based on the above chart (Rowell, E.), it looks like some sorting algorithms greatly outperform
others, so what is the point in even considering implementing the outperformed ones? While
certain algorithms may perform better than others (especially for certain data structures and
datatypes), the space and time complexities aren’t the only factors that should be considered;
what about the cost of development, project requirements, and design?
Development Practices and Constraints
While the runtime of an algorithm is amongst one of the most important aspects, what
about the development time? The time it takes to develop and implement an algorithm can
increase significantly depending on the (conceptual and semantic) difficulty of the algorithm
itself. The cost of development consists of the time and effort needed to develop something;
namely, how difficult it is to do. This leads to a question when the decision between the
minimum viable product (MVP) and the optimal product must be made; which one should be
prioritized (product focus)? The answer is dependent on many factors, such as the project
expectation and release date. For example, if the project needs an algorithm suitable for
processing thousands of queries at a time from multiple users, then the optimal product may be
preferred over the MVP. However, if it is a lightweight project that is expected to release within
a week, it may be prudent to take the MVP approach over the optimal product, using the extra
time to focus on additional urgencies in the development process.
The project requirements themselves are another factor to be considered in the
development process, such as language barriers, structure (separation of concerns), and
modeling. Often, a project is to be developed exclusively in a certain language, for a certain
purpose, i.e., JavaScript for web development and C++ for game development. An algorithm
may perform differently in different programming languages, for instance the size (in bytes) of
certain datatypes may vary from language to language. Additionally, some algorithms may be
more difficult to implement in certain languages. For example, mergesort can be more
complicated to implement in Java than in Python, because in Java it is prudent to use an Abstract
Data Type (ADT) and a comparator (CompareTo) in order to ensure there are no type errors,
whereas Python would simply interpret the data types of the arguments and compare them
accordingly; essentially, doing so in Java can lead to extra refactoring (you need to implement an
ADT interface) which lengthens the development process and can overcomplicate the code just
to reduce the complexity of the algorithm marginally. Not only would this affect the code itself,
but it would also affect the existing models, documentation, and architecture of the software,
which can lead to the project becoming convoluted. However, if it is important to the project
(and not too late in the development process), then it may be prudent to implement the more
complicated algorithm early on, as this will lead to stronger and more reusable code.
What if the product has already been released, but it is of interest to try optimizing the
code even more? Is it worth potentially breaking the (legacy) code to try to make the project
perform better? Luckily, backups of the project can be stored on (GitHub) repos and external
drives, so the risk of a full loss of the project is unlikely; additionally, the released version still
exists for the public and can be reverse engineered. With that in mind, it depends on how much
code really depends on it; exactly how large will the refactoring be? If there are several
dependencies on the target code, then it might greatly improve the performance of the project;
conversely, it might greatly increase the number of hidden bugs that will appear due to the
dependencies (Dietrich, E.).
Ultimately, it is important to understand and consider not only the algorithms and code
being used, but also the project requirements and expectations. When making decisions
surrounding the optimization of algorithms and the refactoring of code, it comes down to the
priorities of the development team, the leniency of the stakeholders, and the expectations of the
Black, P. “big-O notation.” in Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures [online], Paul E.
Black, ed. 6 September 2019. Retrieved April 15, 2022, from
Nilsson, S. “Big O notation: Definition and examples. YourBasic. Retrieved April 15, 2022,
from https://yourbasic.org/algorithms/big-o-notation-explained/
Mejia, A. How to find time complexity of an algorithm? Retrieved April 15, 2022, from
Laplace expansion complexity calculation (recursion). Stack Overflow. Retrieved April 15,
2022, from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16655968/laplace-expansion-complexity-
Space complexity of algorithms. Studytonight.com. Retrieved April 15, 2022, from
Rowell, E. Know thy complexities! Big-O Cheat Sheet. Retrieved April 15, 2022, from
Minimum viable product vs the optimal product. Product Focus. Retrieved April 15, 2022, from
Dietrich, E. How do you know when to touch legacy code? DaedTech. Retrieved April 15, 2022,
from https://daedtech.com/know-touch-legacy-code/