Fresh Swim

Product Information

Pool Skimmer

Our Pool Skimmer is a lightweight boyant plastic with a standard size pool hose attachment and chlorine tab point. It comes with a removable waste basket which will hold any debris collected from your pool. Our skimmer is designed to float acros the surface of you pool in a linear pattern while being pulled by your under water vacuum. As it passes over the surface of you pool it will collect and debris and dispense your chlorine so you can swim fresh. It can also be used with a stationary vacuum setup in an above ground or inground pool. The skimmer is safe to use when people are in the pool but it could be an obstruction.

Product Dimensions

Floatation Device: Length: 13in Width: 9in Height:5in

Basket: Diameter: 4in Height: 3.2in

Hose Attachment: Diameter: 1.25in

Chlorine Dispense Holder: Diameter: 1.1in

Pool Skimmer Pool Skimmer Pool Skimmer

Product Maintenance

The initial purchase of the Pool Skimmer costs $59.99 and includes a waste basket. The waste baskets should be replaced at you discretion. Each replacement basket is $13.99.

Pool Skimmer Assembly User's Manual

The Team

Kammy Blake-

Jacob Witt-

Carter Wene-

Hunter Hansen-