Results should be reported for 30 and 60-minute prediction horizons.
Results may be submitted for offline models, online models, or both. An offline model trains and tunes just one model per patient on the provided training data. At test time, the trained model does not change, and the same model is used to compute predictions for all test points. An online model, on the other hand, can use blood glucose data up to and including data at time t-30 or t-60 to make predictions for each test point t. Please indicate which type of model(s) you used to obtain your results.
The set of evaluation points should begin 60 minutes after the start of each 10-day test dataset. This is important in the offline setting, because the test dataset immediately follows the training dataset, and the initial test points would otherwise be very close chronologically to the training data and thus label-correlated to it. Although not pertinent in the online setting, we will use the same evaluation points in both settings, for consistency.
Participants should ensure that model predictions are not contaminated by using data from "the future." For example, this entails that interpolation can not be used to deal with missing data; rather, extrapolation could be used.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register for and attend the virtual BGLP Challenge at Digital ECAI 2020.
To facilitate future work and replication of published results, we require that participants make the code publicly available, by including a link in the camera ready paper. Participants also need to document the training, tuning, and evaluation procedures that need to be used to replicate the results reported in the camera ready paper. The code will also be linked from the KDH website immediately following the workshop.
BGLP Challenge participants should submit: (1) Results; (2) System Description Papers; and, for accepted system description papers, (3) Camera Ready Copy.
Please note that participants are encouraged to include the results of any other type of evaluation they deem insightful in their system description papers.
The foregoing results should be reported in a table with an explanatory caption, stored in a PDF file, and uploaded to the BGLP Challenge Results track in EasyChair.
Additionally, the raw data predictions should also be submitted at this time. For each data contributor <dc_ID>, at each prediction horizon <horizon>, the prediction results should be included in a text file named <system_ID>_<dc_ID>_<horizon>.txt. Here, <system_ID> is whatever you choose to call your system. Each line of the file should contain a timestamp and a predicted blood glucose level, separated by white space, in chronological order:
<timestamp_1> <predicted_BGL_1>
<timestamp_2> <predicted_BGL_2>
To submit these files, please place them all in a single folder. Include a README.txt file describing each submitted file (online vs. offline, 30 vs. 60 minute prediction, etc.). Then, create a ZIP file of your folder and upload it to EasyChair as part of your submission.
The next step for those who have already reported their results is to prepare a system description paper. The guidelines are as follows:
Results: Present the originally submitted results. The results of additional evaluations that lend insight may also be presented. Examples include (but are not limited to) results:
The system description paper should be formatted as per the Call for Papers and submitted to the BGLP Challenge track in EasyChair.
The next step for those whose system description papers have been accepted is to prepare the camera ready copy. The guidelines are as follows:
Results: Present the originally submitted results. If you have gotten
better results since your original submission, you may present them in addition.
In this case, be sure to explain how the improvement was obtained in your paper.
If you are presenting results other than those you originally submitted, then please upload
your new raw prediction files, in a zipped folder, when you submit your camera ready copy.
Feedback: Incorporate the feedback of the anonymous reviewers into your camera ready copy.
Length: The papers will be published as a CEUR proceedings. CEUR requires papers to be at
least 5 pages long. The length specified in our Call for Papers is 4 pages plus 1 page for references.
Please ensure that your paper goes onto the 5th page! It will be fine if there is content on the
5th page in addition to the references.
Additional instructions for submitting your paper to EasyChair for publication in the CEUR proceedings are available from the main KDH 2020 workshop website at Camera Ready Copy.