My name is Sashank Santhanam, I am a Ph.D. student at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, advised by Prof. Samira Shaikh. I am currently working as a Research Assistant at the the Charlotte Visualization Center.
1. Sashank Santhanam and Samira Shaikh: "I Stand With You: Detecting and Characterizing Expressions of Solidarity in Social Media". In 2018 International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2).
2. Sashank Santhanam and Samira Shaikh: "Propaganda or Clickbait? Understanding and Classifying Types of Misinformation using Recurrent Neural Networks". In Southern Data Science Conference, 2018.
3. Isaac Cho, Ryan Wesslen, Alireza Karduni, Sashank Santhanam, Samira Shaikh, Wenwen Dou: "The Anchoring Effect in Decision-Making with Visual Analytics". In Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 2017 IEEE Conference.
4. Mohanavel S, Suntharam A, Pranev Ram B.R, Sashank Santhanam: "Preventing Wormhole Attack in Multicast Routing Protocols for MANET" in International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research, Vol 3, Issue 4,Oct-2013.
Research Area: Text Analytics, Recurrent neural networks, Deep learning
Advisor: Prof. Samira Shaikh
Project work: Predicting user's location from tweets
Advisor: Prof. Shaoting Zhang
GPA: 3.87
Project: Predicting results of General Election using Bayesian Networks-K2 and TAN algorithms
Advisor:Prof. Ramakrishnan
GPA: 3.77
Work as a research assistant at the Charlotte Visulization center.
Developed software to help the associates at Walmart to process invoices and other recipts.
Reduced workload of the associates by auto matching invoices and the recipts.
Developed workflows in alteryx and dashboards using Tableau to help in tracking of the backlogs.
Performed sentiment analysis on Twitter data to find the variations in the emotions of spectators watching a soccer game.
Implemented a scoring algorithm in R to produce the sentiment scores and the results visually depicted using graphs.
9201, University City Blvd
Charlote, NC 28223