My teaching at UNC-Charlotte has spanned 5
different areas as covered by the following courses:
CSCI 2161: Information/Data Structures
CSCI 3134: Text and Image Processing
ITCS 3153:
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CSCI 5010: Introduction to Robotics (topic course)
ITCS 6050/8050: Robotic and Haptic Interaction (topic course)
6150/8150: Intelligent Systems
6151/8151: Intelligent Robotics
6111/8111: Evolutionary Computation
CSCI 5152: Computer Vision
CSCI 6050: Planning and Programming of Sensory Robots
(topic course)
CSCI 6114: Algorithms and Advanced Data Structures
CSCI 6134: Digital Image Processing
I taught
CSCI 2161 both on Campus and at IBM Charlotte. I proposed and taught a
graduate-level Introduction to Robotics at the MCNC TV network of North
Carolina. The two new graduate-level courses that I proposed: Intelligent
Robotics and Computer Vision , are now regularly scheduled.
I have supervised senior projects in the areas of 2D and 3D computer
graphics, databases, intelligent systems, robotics, and computer vision.
I have supervised Ph.D.and Master theses and Master projects in the areas of
compliant motion planning, contact state reasoning, real-time robot motion planning, geometric computation, haptics, intelligent agents/computer animation, knowledge representation and application in robotics, learning and manipulation, mobile robot planning and navigation, manipulator control and sensor-based planning, machine vision application, neural network
applications, optimization and evolutionary computation., Jan. 2008