Dr. Wartell's Fall 2024 - Office Hours and Appointment Sign-up

Revised 12/6/2024


Tuesday, Thursday, 2:30 - 4:00 pm


Direct Link:  https://charlotte-edu.zoom.us/my/zwartell?pwd=Ym5XbytoMVVVaUtOV0pZeTd6UTlhUT09

Meeting ID: 724 111 0525


I will be in my office, Woodward 435B during the above Office Hours. I will also be logged into my Personal Zoom room during that time.


Note on Zoom, for conversation privacy, I will 'lock'(**) my Personal Room while I am currently meeting with someone.

Note, when the room is 'locked', Zoom will place you into my Personal Room's Zoom "waiting room"(*). I can see the list of individuals in the waiting room.

Physical or Zoom Visits

At the end of the office hour period, if there are still persons in the physical or virtual waiting room, I will extend my office hours if I have no prior commitments.

* - See https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115000332726-Waiting-Room
** - See https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360041848151-In-meeting-security-options