Asis Nasipuri
About me
Asis Nasipuri received his B.Tech. (Honors) degree in Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur, India in 1987, and his MS and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1990 and 1993, respectively. He is currently a Professor and Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Dr. Nasipuri served as the Graduate Program Director of ECE from 2006 – 2013, and the Associate Chair and Coordinator of Undergraduate Programs of ECE from 2013 – 2014. Prior to joining UNC Charlotte, Dr. Nasipuri was a visiting researcher at the University of Texas at San Antonio (1998 - 2000) and a member of the faculty of the Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur (1993 - 1998). Dr. Nasipuri's research interests include protocols and algorithms for multihop wireless networks, which includes mobile ad hoc networks, wireless sensor networks, and wireless mesh networks; practical application development issues, including energy management and sustainability; and analysis and design of distributed, sequential, and non-parametric signal detection schemes. He has published over 85 peer-reviewed papers and research articles on his research, which has received approximately 6000 citations. Dr. Nasipuri served on organization committees of numerous international conferences and symposia, journal editorial board, and proposal review panels. He served as the General Chair of the 2012 ACM International Symposium of Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc).
My research interests include
Wireless Sensor Networks: routing, medium access control, power control, distributed processing, energy management, localization schemes, experimental testbed development and applications.
Wireless Mesh and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: multi-channel MAC, routing, inter-layer interactions, modeling and performance evaluation.
Wireless Communications: channel characterization and modeling, mitigation of multi-path fading effects, source and channel coding, wireless CDMA.
Curriculum Vitae