(section 090)
April 27th: Portfolio/Presentation Workshop
- Kentucky Derby
May 1 @ 6:00pm (races all day)
- North Carolina Primary: Tues., May 4th
You have a chance to vote in this year's primary even if you're unaffiliated. Text from the NC Voter Guide (p. 3):
Voters who are affiliated (registered) with a political party must vote in the primary of the party with which they are affiliated.
Voters who are not affiliated with a politi-cal party may vote in a party primary as long as that party allows it. At this time, the Democratic, Republican, and Liber-tarian Parties allow unaffiliated voters to vote in their primaries.
- Something Doesn't Add Up
- UFC 113-The Dragon and The Shogun
Sat., May 8
- UFC 114-Rampage vs Evans (good one)
Sat., May 29 (For your Memorial Day Fun)
Plan for this evening
- IRA-Career Essays from 4181 students
- Presentation and Portfolio Workshop
- Pass back User Doc #3
- Collect Persona Research
- STC meeting
Tonight Friday 005
Final Exam Preview (5/11--Tuesday)
Your final exam will be based on the reading assigned and activities/discussions we've had since the original midterm exam date (2/23). The exam will be on Moodle (unless something peculiar happens) and will consist of multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, short-answer, and True/False questions.
Topics to pay attention to for the final exam:
Assignment Features
- Personas
- Likert scales and appropriate questions
- Measurable (operationalized goals)
- Screen captures
Degani's Taming HAL Ch. 1-10. While the entire reading is fair game, there are places you ought to pay particularly close attention to.
- Non-determinism and technologies
- Abstractions
- Events, states, and transitions
- User models and machine models
- Concurrency, hierarchy, and synchronization
- Population Stereotypes vs. universal stereotypes
- Initialization (initial mode)
- Mode
- Reference Values
- History Settings
- Default Settings
- Sophisticated interfaces
- A few details from our 5181 students' presentations
Of course, the above is not exhaustive. If you've read carefully (don't skip over the word "carefully"), this should be a breeze.
Returning User Doc #3
I'm going to pass back your third (and final) User
Document during the workshop. These should be revised for your final portfolios.
Please keep all
portfolio work that I've commented on. You will turn these originals (User Doc #1, #2,and #3) in with
your final portfolio. Not including these drafts will affect your grade.
Please remember that your assignments have two parts--a proposal or planning document and the actual user document. You must have both.
Some overall issues:
- Anything you don't create yourself must be cited
- "Figure X" and captions
- Anything you don't create yourself must be cited
- Circles, arrows, and callouts
- Try using circles or boxes; they seem to look nicer than arrows
- Legends work well
- Anything you don't create yourself must be cited
- Personas are not Scenarios
(Cooper pp. 131-132 & 142-147)
- Do not "stack the deck" in favor of your document
- Highlight computer/technological literacies
- Consider reading level for educational guides
- Don't have more than one sentence about motivation to use the guide
- Have pictures of your personas
- Anything you don't create yourself must be cited
- Don't repeat steps above
- For instance, the following is goofy:
Step 1: Cut a hole in the box...
Step 2: After you cut a hole in the box, place the cardboard tube in the box at a 45-degree angle...
Step 3: After you place the cardboard tube in the box at a 45-degree angle, place hamster pellets in the tube...
- Anything you don't create yourself must be cited
- Show how to refine searches to expand your user documents
- Anything you don't create yourself must be cited
- Be more efficient in your prose
- Get right to the search then discuss alternatives
- Give commands
- Don't tell the user "If you want to..."; tell them to do it!
- Avoid redundancy, so you aren't being redundant (get it?):
"This document called Transferring Pictures to Your Desktop from a Digital Camera describes how to transfer images taken with a digital camera to a desktop"
- Anything you don't create yourself must be cited
- Use screen shots
- Clear, good-sized screen shots
- Entire screen captures aren't effective
- Too small of a screen capture is too little
- Anything you don't create yourself must be cited
- NEXT TIME: No software installation!
Software tutorials, however, are good.
Before We Go...
Only one more class left and then the final, which will be at 6:30 pm Tuesday 5/11. I'll turn back your persona research next week (5/4), and we'll do class presentations.
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