(section 090)
January 12th: Introduction
Welcome to the Class
Tonight we will get to know each other and find out the course goals and requirements. I will go over the syllabus first, which will only be located online. I have been told by the University to conserve resources, so I will not print or photocopy anything for this class. We will use the Web and Moodle to communicate course material.
After we go over the syllabus, I'll highlight some important dates and assignments to come. Then, we'll get to know our classmates.
Let's get to know our classmates. Just keep this info handy for today, I don't need to collect anything from you.
Current Job
Future Job
Favorite Movie and Book
What do you expect to learn in
English 4181/5181: Writing User Documents?
Say something other than writing effective user documents.
Also, do not say an 'A' without qualifying how you would get that grade.
Accessing Your 'H' Drive Off
UNC Charlotte has a great way for you to store class files and
other stuff. Whenever you log into the UNCC system on campus, your 'My
Documents' folder is a remotely stored section of the server. You can also
access this storage space when you're off campus!
Do you want to learn how? Type the following into your web browser: https://webf.uncc.edu/NetStorage/.
Maintain a Website all Semester
Some of you may have a webpage...some of you should, at least.
Let's do a user document together. Let's introduce all of you (or review)
screen capture software; have an MS Word doc open.
The Assignments page has information on the web site I'd like you to have this semester. Let's head on over to your online requirements.
My First User Document
Using all your technical communication
ability and expertise, create a user document for creating/updating a UNCC
student's webpage. Use any program you'd like to create this document (MS
Word, In Design, Dreamweaver, etc.), but I eventually want this online...like next week. Please include the following original items:
Overview--explain what the person will do
Screen captures (or other graphics)
Steps for updating/creating a UNCC student webpage
The parameters are up to you, but I want
you to try to complete this in the time remaining. You may capture most screen elements by pressing
[Alt] + [Print Screen]
Doing so captures the active window.
Before We Go...
Your first assignment will be an essay on
Alan Cooper's The Inmates are Running the Asylum. This is a diagnostic
essay, so please do it. Let's get a preview of the assignment if we have time. I'll go over it more next week (01/19), but please be aware that
it's due in three weeks--February 2nd.