(section 090)
March 2nd: Editing Reflections
and User Test #2
Technical Writing 101: Ch. 9, 10, & 11
I'm going to (again) push back Ch. 8's discussion until next class (3/23) when we talk about your webpage readings and Ch. 12--the last chapter we'll discuss in Technical Writing 101. Also, chapters 9, 10, and 11 are probably things you've covered in the Editing class, so we won't go into too much detail on grammar rules and formatting.
Chapter 9 Highlights:
We've discussed many of the topics in this chapter at some point already this semester. Instead of thinking about the rules for various types of editing, I'd like us to consider audience needs and make connections to Cooper if possible. Editing is important to documents, and we ought to think of ways to be more efficient because the task of editing more often than not will fall on the individual.
Instead of picking out pearls of wisdom from the chapter, let's focus on topics that can be discussed in a larger class forum. After all, "rules" aren't universal.
- Fewer technical editors p. 148
- Knowing the rules of the organization p. 149
- Client expectations p. 151
- Style Guide vs. Grammar (peferences are like...)
- Types of editing
pp. 153-154
- copy editing (lower-order concerns)
- technical editing (content)
- production editing (printing)
- Personas and the editing process p. 154
Technical Writing 101 does not use the term personas.
- Editors and other readers offer a fresh set of eyes for your work and help point out writer-based prose p. 156
- A note or two on feedback p.157
- Global search and replace pp. 157-158
- Diacritical marks are most likely found in journalism and publishing
- Style is not capital-T "Truth"; it's preference pp. 161-162
- Time constraints and rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic
- Structured authoring takes the formatting out of the hands of the writers...or does it?
Chapter 10 Highlights:
Although this chapter offers insight into how to create an index, it is just a brief discussion. The study of indexology is quite vast; they even have their own society. We'll try to focus on needs for indexes (or is it indices...this page takes up the issue). What should you consider before doing one? Do you even need one?
- User guides are reference materials, not novels p. 165
- Google: quicker than flipping pages...or is it?
- Perception is reality p. 166
- Indexing will not be replaced by searching (my speculation)
- Indexing helps organize information and may allow for you to have a quasi-checklist of content p. 167
- Terminology
- What terms should you use?
- Who do you ask?
- To "query" or not to "query" p. 170
- Index definitions and tasks p. 169
- Variations of entries--how many? p. 171
- Audience criteria (and audiences)
- Purpose critieria (reference only, tutorial only, or both)
- "see" and "see also" pp. 173-174
- Too broad of a page range p. 176
- Why would 18 pages be unhelpful?
- What is it mimicking?
- Parallelism--good for all documents...except for mine because I have a different purpose, reflection.
Pretend Google Searching index entry:
Entries to think about:
- Searching i-20
- Searching
see refining searches
- Searching
see also refining searches
asterisks 10
boolean operators 14
limiters (limiting terms) 15
phrases 9
using quotation marks 7
wildcards 11
Let's think critically about the above entries. Are they effective? Why or why not?
Chapter 11 Highlights:
This chapter is probably not new to many of you. It discusses production editing tips. Let's think about why structured authoring (pp. 42-44) represents a trend towards automation. We're thinking on a social scale.
- Grammar and hygienic goals/factors (Cooper returns) p. 182
- DIY publishing and information design required by technical communicators
- Structured authoring and the automation of writing p. 183
- When online documents get printed out are there pagination worries? p. 187
- Format after content has been created p. 188
- Widows: a few words at the top of the page
Orphans: first line or heading at the bottom of a page pp. 188-189
- The times they are a-changing
- What do portable technologies and handhelds hold for future documents? p. 196
- Which browser should you use?
All this automation means something. Does it mean the software will index for us and generate useful help topics, so technical writers will no longer be needed? Well, if all you're knowledgeable in is formatting, your time is up! Knowing what questions to ask regarding what the audience needs and what purpose the document/system serves is more important.
So what's useful? What drives technical communication for the 21st Century? Who's going to write for Sixth Sense Technology?
Questions and Likert Scale
I have a bias. Yes, I, too, am not above
bias. I know what you're thinking, "Toscano is biased?!? Say it ain't so!" Well,
I am biased against surveys. I think that most questionnaires are highly
inaccurate. Self-reporting doesn't yield the most "truthful" results. I also am
biased about statistics--I think they're bogus 4 out of 5 times, but that's
another story. There are legitimate uses for statistics, but they most be scrutinized and not assumed to be "facts speaking for themselves"--someone always interprets the data to make it useful information. That doesn't mean someone is manipulating an audience, but we ought to think critically about statistics thrown at us.
As individuals interested in getting information from users, we
ought to be sensitive to getting that information effectively. I think our
discussion might help.
Are yes/no questions effective for getting feedback?
What's the advantage (and disadvantage) of open-ended questions?
Remember, users like to please the testers, so you ought to avoid some leading questions. (I know, a generalization, but 59.8% of what I've read on the subject mentions this.)
For instance, what's the difference between the following questions?
- Do you like the interface?
How do you feel about the interface?
- Isn't this a cute little button to use for submitting?
How did you use the submit feature? Why? Why not?
- How well did you like the documentation?
Was the documentation useful? {easy...it's yes/no}
How did you use the documentation
for assistance? Why? Why not?
User Doc #2 User
Tonight you'll have a more in-depth user test to accompany your more in-depth User Doc #2. I know all of you will work hard to help your fellow
classmates by being as objective as possible. The first change,
though, will be that I want you all to come up with three personas for the
instrument you'll document. I also want you to include the following in what you'll turn in to me on 3/23:
Describe the instrument
Explain how the user will approach the
set of instructions {online, printed out, on the moon, etc.}
Plan how you will test your draft
- Develop a pre-test briefing strategy: make a statement to tell each user (a script), ask questions about comfort level, and/or have them watch something (this last one works best for descriptive documents like natural or mechanical proceses).
- Come up with five post-test questions
that use a Likert scale and have a comments section
- Set at least four goals and make sure
they're measurable
- User did all steps in XX minutes...
- User completed the instructions in XX minutes...
- User used the help menu less than XX times
User never had to look at the help menu or ask for help.
- Describe three personas you had in mind
when creating the document--these are Cooper personas and not the detailed ones for your Persona Research assignment
- Come up with five post-test questions
that use a Likert scale and have a comments section (just ask the user to comment)
- Set at least four goals and make sure
they're measurable
Note: measurable goals mean that users can not only accomplish tasks but they can accomplish them within or under quantifiable standards. For instance, a vague, immeasurable goal would be, "create a user friendly set of instructions"; whereas, a measurable (operationalized) goal would be, "create a document that gets users to setup the instrument within five minutes with no more than two lookups in the help menu." Additionally, a Likert scale could be an attempt to quantify qualitative data: On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the highest), please rate your satisfaction with the product."
User Test Setup
I would like all of you to have two users
test your documents. Make sure you give the users the post-test questions. Don't have those...get moving on that!
I had planned on choosing the groups, but, because I'm not sure how many people will show up because of the blizzard of 2010, we'll do it on the fly!
Midterm Review
The midterm is closed in Moodle, but I have a copy up on the big screen. Let's go over the questions.
Returning User Doc #1
I'm going to pass back your first User
Documents in a moment. Some were very good and some were ok. It's perfectly normal not to have a PERFECT draft because your
grade is based on your final portfolio, so I expect revision.
Please keep all
portfolio work that I've commented on. You will turn these originals (User Doc #1, #2,and #3) in with
your final portfolio. Not including these drafts will affect your grade.
Please remember that your assignments have two parts--a proposal or planning document and the actual user document. You must have both.
Some overall issues:
- Figure X and captions
- Circles, arrows, and callouts
- Try using circles or boxes; they seem to look nicer than arrows
- Legends work well
- "Results may very"--search results change
- Show how to refine searches to expand your user documents
- Get right to the search then discuss alternatives
- Give commands
- Don't tell the user "If you want to..."; tell them to do it!
- Be realistic about where, how, or if these will be used
- Use screen shots
- Clear, good-sized screen shots
- Entire screen captures aren't effective
- Personas (Cooper pp. 142-147)
- Discuss technological literacy instead of motive to use the document
- Have pictures of your personas
- Be more efficient (we'll come back to this)
Before We Go...
We're going to be away from this class for a while. Next Tuesday is Spring Break and class is canceled on the following Tuesday. I will see you next on March 23rd. Keep up with the reading on the syllabus. Your User Document #2 is due when you return (3/23).
Have a safe Spring Break! I hope the snow stops!!!
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