English Department
Atkins Library
ENGL 2116-007
ENGL 4181/5181-090
Center for HTAS
Women's & Gender Studies
Sunset Kitties

Thinking About Oral Presentations

Presents for Me

Please hand in your Annotated Bibliographies before you leave. Also, any late work?

Oral Presentations

I have a link to your Oral Presentation Page. I hope to have the order down today as well. To make life easier for us, I'm going to have the groups go first, and then I'll get volunteers for the other slots in the presentation order. If I don't get volunteers for Wednesday, I'll just go alphabetically.

Final Exam Fun

The final exam is nigh! Remember, your Final Exam is Tuesday (5/11) from 2:00-4:30--notice it's not the regular class meeting time. If you've read and paid attention in class it will be easy. If you haven't read and IMed, Facebooked, or MySpaced most of class, this might be difficult. Make sure you go over the following:

  • Using simple, direct verbs for résumé duties

  • Revising for passive voice, parallelism, and other wordiness

  • General guidelines for block and modified block letter formats

  • Key Terms and Ideas from Chapters 3, 6, 8, and 11 in Dragga and Tebeaux (This is your textbook)

    • Ch. 3: Writing ethically (and inclusively)

    • Ch. 6: Designing effective and ethical visuals

    • Ch. 8: Parts of reports

    • Ch. 11: Effective presentation guidelines--preparation, eye contact, voice projection, relevance, and...

  • I, Robot issues related to technology and technical communication
  • Research strategies and databases commands
  • Source credibility and authority
  • Ethics as a personal philosophy--Utilitarianism, Deontology, Teleology, Theologism, Objectivism, and Toscanoism
  • Statistics...well, manipulation with statistics (see Darrel Huff)
    • Mean, median, mode
    • Relative size of graphics
    • Four out of five people know stats are bogus...
  • And other pertinent stuff we brought up in class

If all goes according to plan, the Final Exam should only take you 45-60 min.  Please do not expect to use the computers to "assist" you during the exam...that's called cheating.

Look into Your Future

We start presentations on Wednesday (4/27). Your your portfolios are due Monday (5/02).





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