English Department
Atkins Library
ENGL 2116-007
ENGL 4181/5181-090
Center for HTAS
Women's & Gender Studies
Sunset Kitties

The Social Construction of Technology Discussion


Presents for Me

Please turn in your Résumés and Cover Letters before you leave class today.

Set of Instructions (DUE March 23rd)

I have guidelines for your set of instructions assignment on our Assignments Page. This should be longer than your "Uploading a Webpage" document, but I'd be surprised if it was longer than 5 pages; however, it will depend on the number and size of your visuals. I also have a few other options for the assignment.

Future Discussion on our Digital World

Of course, by now you've noticed that I always have way more for us to do than we can possibly cover in 75 minutes. We will return to our discussion on writing for the user throughout the semester, and we will also focus on communication in our digital world.

For now, though, I just want you to consider a few things about e-mail and communicating with technology before we get into today's main focus.

Technology in/from a Social Context

The reading for today was pretty informative, huh? I knew you'd like it. I put another one on Moodle that you may read at your leisure. Let's head on over to our rhetoric of technology page and consider technology in a social context.

Homework and Future Work

Your Prose Revision assignment (three paragraphs) is due on Monday (2/21).

Your midterm exam is coming up soon (2/28). We'll have a short preview next Wednesday (2/23).

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