English Department
Atkins Library
ENGL 2116-007
ENGL 4181/5181-090
Center for HTAS
Women's & Gender Studies
Sunset Kitties

The Social Construction of Technology Discussion


Presents for Me

Please turn in your Prose Revision Assignment before you leave class today. I'll be passing back your resumes and cover letters today. I'm not sure everyone read the reading associated with these assignments, so we might have to revisit that. The reading was linked on the syllabus. Also, I have a page that can help you think about revision strategies.

Back to Social Construction of Technology

Let's head on over to our rhetoric of technology page and consider technology in a social context.

Homework and Future Work

Your midterm exam is coming up soon (2/28). We'll have a short preview next class (2/23). If you've read and paid attention in class, you'll do just fine.

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