ENGL 2116-007: Inroduction to Technical Communication
First Class Meeting
Obviously, this is our first class meeting, and we have some catching up to do. Normally, I like to have you do introductions of yourselves, but, because we're already behind, we'll have to move along. If time permits, I'll probably have you do a Moodle post to tell us a little about yourselves.
For next class, please follow along in the syllabus and read
Ch. 12 in Tebeaux & Dragga and this supplemental résumé reading. Also, I'd like you to bring in your résumé information for next class. You don't
have to have a résumé; just have the information you would put into one--jobs, educational background, awards, etc.--with you. You may write this
information down,
type it up, have it in your head...just have an idea or two.
Maintain a Webpage all Semester
I want you to have and update a web site throughout the semester. The goal is not to become a web developer or all-around expert; instead, I want us all to have a common technology to work with as we discuss important concepts related to technical communication in the 21st century.
I have a page to get you started, so please check out the requirements.
Résumé Essay Requirements (DUE Feb. 7th)
Four full pages (word processed, 1-inch
margins, 12pt font)
Briefly state what you want from a
hypothetical or real job
Explain your background--educational and
professional--to your audience (me)
Extremely Important:
Convince the audience that you're the ideal candidate for the position.
By "convince" I mean make an argument for
your being hired.