Grammar Refresher
The American Heritage Dictionary’s Usage Panel
agreed 2 to 3 that using peruse to mean “skim leisurely” as opposed to
“read thoroughly” was not acceptable. I, on the other hand, believe language is
changing and have no problem using peruse to mean “to glance over or
A Few Grammar Issues from Sancho Toscano
I don’t want to spend an
awful lot of time on these “rules,” but I think it would help to refresh
ourselves on some common grammar practices in Standard Edited American English.
Please refer back to this page as you need to throughout the rest of the
semester. My evil Twin brother, Sancho, has a few examples for you:

Listen up, dudes. I have a few things to mention.
Don’t take your teacher too seriously; he’s not as upstanding as he
claims to be.
Anyway, we’re going to cover some basic comma
rules, and we’ll also cover a few semicolon/colon rules.
Wake up for me, at
least. I’m not boring like my uptight twin brother, Aaron. |
Coordinating Conjunctions
BOYSFAN—but, or, yet, so, for, and, & nor
Use commas to separate two independent clauses joined by
a coordinating conjunction. Independent clauses are simply clauses that can
stand alone as sentences—they contain a subject and a verb and a complete thought. Consider the
following examples below:
- I wish you wouldn’t sleep in class. Your grade
depends on your being awake and attentive during discussions.
- You can do well in class if you show up
regularly. Not showing up to class regularly will affect your grade.
- I want to become a circus clown. I will go to the
School of Clownology in Charlottesville, VA this fall to pursue my degree.
Let’s join those sentences with coordinating
wish you wouldn’t sleep in class, for your grade depends on you(r) being
awake and attentive during discussions.
Come on, Sancho. Who uses “for” as a coordinating conjunction anymore? More
likely you’d use the subordinating conjunction because without
a comma:
I wish you wouldn’t sleep in class because your grade depends on you(r)
being awake and attentive during discussions.
- You can do well in class if you show up regularly,
but not showing up to class regularly will affect your grade.
“not showing up to class regularly” is a subject of the sentence and is
doing something...well, it's actually NOT doing something, but you
understand what I mean.
- I want to become a circus clown, so I will go to
the School of Clownology in Charlottesville, VA this fall to pursue my
Because Sancho just screwed up above by using a bad
example, we’ll let clean-cut Aaron talk about subordinating
There are tons of
comma rules, and not everyone necessarily agrees on what is 100%
correct. Therefore, no one agrees on what is 100% incorrect. |
WWAABSET-O—when, while, after, although, because,
since, even though, and others (too many to list)
Use commas with most subordinating conjunctions that
introduce or open a sentence:
- When Sancho was born, my parents sold him to a
family in Mexico. {You could even say, “After Sancho was born, my
parents sold him to a family in Mexico.”}
- While you were away, I watched TV and read. {Notice
that “While you were away” cannot stand alone as a sentence. Also, some readers scoff at using "while" for situations other than time; instead, they prefer "although."}
- Because I want a life free of difficulty, I do not
plan to have children.
- Although I prefer Star Wars to Star Trek,
I usually prefer science fiction narratives to fantasy works (books, movies,
- Even though the Patriots are a great team, they
couldn't cheat their way to a Super Bowl win.
Transitional Words and Phrases (Hedging
- The adverbs: however, furthermore, also,
instead, nevertheless, first, second, third, finally, next, and many others
- The introductory phrases: for example, in
fact, for instance, in conclusion, therefore, of course, in other words, and many others
Use a comma to set off introductory words and phrases. Since these words
allow writers to transition smoothly from sentence to sentence, they often
follow a semicolon (;) before beginning a new independent clause. For
I would really love to come to your wedding; however, I can’t keep my mouth shut when asked "Does anyone know why these two should not be joined in matrimony? Speak now or start placing bets on when they'll divorce". Therefore, please don’t expect a gift from me, and please don’t
have any children—no need to continue your horrific lineage!
Of course, too many of these phrases affects you concision, so use
sparingly and only for strategic emphasis—not all the time.
Notable Exceptions
with most rules and laws, there are some exceptions to comma placement. Below
is a statistically inaccurate list about which comma rules are adhered to more
than others. Remember, your audience will have a lot to do with the style you choose.
I’m more familiar with MLA style, but I’ve become increasingly aware of AP and
APA style through the years.
100% (or close enough): Comma splices are nearly universally
unacceptable; a comma splice is when a comma is used to join two or more
independent clauses without a coordinating conjunction.
Example: People with loud children shouldn’t be allowed in restaurants,
they should just stay home and entertain themselves.
90% (or thereabouts): Commas normally appear with all coordinating
conjunctions except when a sentence is very short; I have noticed that
implied subjects often omit commas with coordinating conjunctions.
Example: Go outside and cut me off a switch. {‘You’ is the implied
subject. Both “Go outside” and “Cut me off a switch” are independent
clauses. The speaker just isn’t saying “You go outside, and you
cut me off a switch.”}
80% (or nowhere near): In some cases, introductory prepositional
phrases do not need commas; however, no authority has told me which phrases
to put a comma after and which to not. Long ago, I taught a
developmental grammar class, and the book we used claimed to use commas after
introductory prepositional phrases of more than five words. I never knew that "rule" and later learned that some readers expected commas after all introductory
prepositional phrases and some didn’t want them even after the five-word
introductory prepositional phrases.
Example: In the past year, I have been preparing for the LSAT.
Example: On Tuesday, we ought to go out to lunch.
{I believe the “On Tuesday” deal about not using commas is that it’s common to start out with
that type of phrase, so most people drop the comma. In fact, journalists, who must conserve
space in those tiny columns of print, seem to limit as many commas as
possible. AP style (Associated Press) is a style used by many newspapers.}
A No-No: Don’t use a comma to separate a sentence subject that
begins with a proposition. For instance, you wouldn’t write the following:
“Under the bridge, is where I drew some blood” because Under the
bridge is the subject of that sentence. However, the following might be
more of a problem: “Under the bridge downtown, I gave my life away.” In that
sentence, I is the subject, and Under the bridge is the
introductory prepositional phrase.
50% (and probably accurate): Use commas to set off items in a
series…but which items? Yes, the plot thickens!
Example: You need to study hard, rest, and stay focused to do well on the
Example: Go to the store and buy beer, chips, and beef jerky.
{Depending on your style guideline, you may or may not omit the comma before
the “and” in the above examples.}
But there’s an issue with not using the “extra” comma: Consider the
statement, “My uncle left me his property, houses, and cars.” With that
“extra” comma, there’s no way to mistake that your uncle left you three
distinct items—property (e.g., land), houses, and cars. However, if you said, “My uncle
left me his property, houses and cars,” houses and cars comprise his property. When you use a comma to separate a noun from a following
description, that description is an appositive. For instance, “I wonder if
it’s snowing in Chicago, a place north of here” uses a place north of
here to further describe Chicago.
That’s enough comma stuff
for a lifetime. Pick up a grammar/style handbook to help you with these
issues. Although I am more concerned with your content, proper mechanics is
still important. |