3320 Lafayette Street, #12

San Leandro, CA 94561

(415) 781-5592


OBJECTIVE: An entry-level position where my proven communication, accounting, and administrative skills could be utilized in a path leading to advancement into management eventually.


DEGREE         from San Francisco State University. Broadcast Communication Arts.   Bachelor of arts. 3.2 in major.




Apprentice       KPFA - 94.1 in Berkeley, CA. Duties included scheduling studios. Also recruited staff. Some paperwork. Often given responsibility to act as production manager. 10/03 to present.


Pacifica House Position for financial manager. Duties included payroll and benefits for employees of shelter. Was responsible for the books, also for cash transactions. Took care of some donations. Expected to help raise funds.    I prepared all payroll reports. Also petty cash. Chaotic environment, underfunded.


Spring, 1999


Worked for one spring with Renaissance Rainbow, which is a performing arts troupe operating out of San Francisco. My duties included scheduling interviews with print and broadcast journalists. Was responsible for volunteers and publicity.


Other temporary positions


Manpower, Inc.            San Francisco. Worked at many different places as a temp. 1999-02. Dorhring Company. File clerk, receptionist, general duties. Other places. Good Earth Restaurant - server 1998-1999.




            Self-starter, can finish jobs without supervision.

            Marital status: single

Birth: 6/15/80

            Health:  Excellent

Hobbies: Knitting, singing, like to read

            First Baptist Gospel Choir

Awards: Spirit Award, Oakland High School

            Dean’s List, college, 2 semesters