Writing for the User

Choice in Communication

When we're communicating we have choices regarding how to convey our intended messages. Let's pause. Couldn't I have just said "When we communicate, we have choices regarding our communications"? Which is more efficient?

Chapters 5 and 10

Chapter 5 covers information on document design, which is an entire class itself, and reinforces effective ways of focusing the readers attention on information. We won't go over every part of the chapter, but definitely ask questions if you have them. Below are some highlights to consider from Chapter 5:

  • p. 61: [not a direct quotation] "Multimodal" is replacing the term "Multimedia" in the field of Rhetoric and Composition
  • p. 62: Readers do judge books by their cover and technical documents by their "look"
  • p. 62: branding guidelines standardize the look and feel of an organization's communications
  • p. 63: most readers scan documents and hunt for information
  • p. 65: don't just tell them what you're about to tell them; tell them how you're going to tell them--provide an overview of the document's organization
  • pp.65-66: be parallel in content as well as headings (p. 73)
  • p. 72: making your document easy to use--technical documents are used, not just read

Let's look at some user documents. With a classmate, ask what makes the following effective or not-so-effective user documents:

Chapter 10 shows us types of user documents--instructions, procedures, and policies--which we won't spend much time on. However, below are a few key points:

  • p. 226: Users don't like to read instructions...so why do we bother having technical communication courses?
  • p. 228: How will readers/users approach the document? In other words, under what/which context/s will users read the document?
  • p. 230: Limit instruction to one item
    One idea per paragraph; one instruction per step (generally)
  • p. 245: What are some differences between print and online instructions? Consider the following:
    • Audience and Purpose
    • Context
    • Readability

You ought to refer back to Chapter 10 for your future assignments, especially your set of instructions assignment for after Spring Break. Chapter 10 has a useful "Checklist for Developing Instructions/Procedures" on p. 252. Although you might not find all of these questions relevant, they should help you think through your approach to creating technical documents.

Below I have some topics that could have procedures/instructions. Consider the question below that corresponds to your row, and answer questions 1, 2, 4, and 8 (p. 252). I'm not expecting you to create a document, but I do want you to consider how you might start thinking about your approach to a document based on the topic. I do realize that their are multiple audiences and different contexts for these topics, and that's important to think about because different audiences and purposes might require totally different documents:

  • How to find store deals (on products, services, etc.)
  • How to be a cool person
  • How to change a water purification filter (i.e., Brita, Pur, etc.)
  • How to excavate at/for an archeological site
  • How to be safe walking at night
  • What to do in case of a fire

What rule does the above list violate?

Finally, My First User Document

Speaking of user documents, let's do one. I'd like for us to all have user documents that explain how to put up webpages for UNCC students. The final product isn't graded, but I expect you to put forth some effort on this assignment (part of your webpage grade). I would like you to start thinking about how to show someone through words, graphics, etc. how to accomplish putting up a webpage.

In order to do this, you have to decide where to start. Consider following the guidelines in Chapter 10 (p. 226-227) on creating effective, usable instructions.

Your audience will be UNCC students, and the context will be on-campus access. Basically, show a UNCC student how to create an 'index.html' page,  put it in his or her 'public_html' file folder, and then check it out online. Use screen captures, and do the following:

  • Create an entirely new page to link to from your 'index.html' file

  • Figure out a reasonable starting point

  • Ask me or your neighbors if you don't remember

After you figure out a resonable starting point, you will want to create a series of steps first before doing screen captures.

[ALT] + [Print Screen]
captures the active window. Try it out.


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