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How to use Webwork?
(MATH 1100-006, Fall 2004)
  1. The address of our Webwork page is
    Click on this link.
    (If you type it, make sure you type the forward slash at the end.)
  2. Now click on the "Login" button.
  3. Enter username and password. Your username is same as the log in Id for your 49er Express account. You must have received this when you registered for classes at UNCC. If you don't know what it is, try to look it up in our online classlist. Your password is your ID number (which is most probably your social security number). Make sure you do not include the dashes from your ID number. So, for example, if your ID is 123-45-6789, then you should enter 123456789 as your password. If everything else fails, send me an email to
  4. After you have logged in, you may choose to change your password by clicking on the change password button. You don't have to do this, but if you do, make sure you remember your new password.
  5. Now click on "Begin Problem set". You must first choose a problem set from the "Problem set" window.
  6. After that, you may either decide to get a hard copy of the entire problem set by clicking on the "Get_Hard_Copy" button OR you may begin doing the problem set by clicking on "Do_Problem_Set" button.
  7. When you do the problems, you need to choose the problem from the window. Scroll down. Before clicking Get Problem set button, make sure that you have set the "Display Mode" option to "typeset".
  8. You may always log in as "practice" user to test your skills anonymously, but you will not get credit for the problems answered while logged in at "practice"
  9. Alert me if you have access problems, such that I may help you and allocate more time. I will not allow more time if you contact me with an access problem on the due date. Plan on completing your homework one day before the due date.
  10. You may find information on the mathematical symbols available on WebWork and about how to enter your answers at