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College Algebra
(MATH 1100, Sections 007 and 026, Fall 2013)
Gábor Hetyei
Common final:
- Date:
Friday December 6, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm.
Keep in mind that this is a common
final, its scheduling has nothing to do with the "class
meeting" time. (Look at the "Common Examinations" section in the
linked document, on page 3.)
- Location: Our sections (007 and 026) meet in McEniry
125. The McEniry Building is next to the Friday Building and to the
Prospector Cafeteria.
- Make sure you are on time since doors will be closed one
hour after the exam starts.
- If you are lost, inquire at the main office of the Department of
Mathematics and Statistics, located on the second floor of the Fretwell
- In case of an emergency contact Dr. Kazemi.
He might allow you to write a makeup final if you
contact him immediately and have a really serious excuse.
External help: