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(MATH 1100-007, Fall 2014)

Instructor: Gábor Hetyei
Office: Fretwell 335F, Phone: 704-687-1045, E-mail:
Office hours:  M 2:45-3:15pm, T 3:45-4:45pm, W 4:50-5:20 pm, or by appointment (eventual changes will be announced in class). Wednesday office hours were changed on Wednesday, September 3, 2014.
Text: College Algebra Essentials, Third Edition by John W. Coburn.
Topics: See the tentative schedule.
Attendance: Required. Each unexcused absence reduces your total score by 0.8% (not to exceed 10%). You are fully responsible for materials missed. You should not willingly schedule any activity in conflict with our lecture times, valid excuses involve only unexpected emergencies beyond your control. Typical excuses I will not accept include:
  • Doctor's note stating only your presence at the office without confirming that you were sick.
  • Doctor's note about a routine check-up you could have easily scheduled for another time.
  • Note from your workplace confirming that you scheduled your regular working hours in conflict with our lecture times.
Informing your instructor by email about an upcoming absence is a praiseworthy courtesy but it does not constitute a valid excuse note. A valid excuse note must come from an independent source and include the contact information of your source.
Quizzes: During my lectures I will be asking quiz questions. Quizzes will be collected at the end of the class, and also serve as evidence of your attendance. I will give the answer to the first and the last question, thereby verifying that you were present the full time, these answers will not count towards your quiz score. Failing to answer the last question makes you 100% absent and invalidates your quiz score. Failing to answer the first question makes you 50% absent (your quiz will still be graded).
Webwork: Weekly problem sets will be posted online using Webwork. Instructions on using Webwork are posted on the homepage of the class.
Tests: Test 1: Monday Sep 15, Test 2: Monday Oct 13, Test 3: Monday Nov 10. Tests will be held in class.
Common Final: Friday December 5, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm.
The place of the final exam will be given later by the department.
The Departmental Final Exam is cumulative and worth at least 30% of your course grade. Missing it results very likely in a course grade of F.
No Makeups: There will be NO make-up tests or quizzes. If you miss a test because of an emergency and provide valid documentation, your score for the test missed will be based on your final exam score. For your quizzes, I will compute your percent performance based on your scores on the days you were present or were absent without presenting a valid excuse.
Evaluation: Grades will be based on: Attendance 10%, Quiz 10%, Webwork 10%, each Test 20%, Final 30%; or on: Attendance 10%, Quiz 6.5%, Webwork 6.5%. each Test 13%, Common Final 51% (whichever works better for you).
I will drop your worse Test score or your combined Quiz+Webwork score (if this is worse than any of your test scores).
Tentative grading scale: 90 - 100 % A, 75 - 89% B, 60 - 74% C, 50 - 59 % D, 0 - 49% F
Rules of the Classroom: To ensure that your fellow students' right of learning is protected, please observe the following:
  • No conversations during class. People who disturb the class in any manner will be asked to leave the classroom, counted as absent twice, and reported to university officials.
  • Students must have proper registration to attend the class. The instructor has the right to check students IDs during classes and exams.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the classroom in the middle of the class, except for going to the bathroom, or emergencies. If you know that you have to leave early for a valid reason, let the instructor know before class starts.
Class meeting: MW 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm in Fretwell 121