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Homework assignments
(MATH 6101, Fall 2014)
Instructor: Gábor Hetyei Last update: Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Disclaimer: The information below comes with no warranty. If, due to typographical error, there is a discrepancy between the exercise numbers announced in class and the numbers below, or this page is not completely up to date, the required homework consists of those exercises which were announced in class. Check for the time of last update above. If, by my mistake, a wrong exercise number shows up below, I will allow you extra time to hand in the exercise whose number was announced in class. If, however, exercise numbers are missing because this page is not up to date, it is your responsibility to contact me before the due date. (No extra time will be allowed in that case.) This page is up to date if the last update happened after the last class before the next due date.

No. Date due: Problems:
13 12/2 Written exercises: 9.2.1, 9.2.3, parts (1) and (2) of 9.2.9.
12 11/18 Written exercises: 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.11.
11 11/11 Written exercises: 3.5.4, 8.2.1, 8.2.2.
10 11/4 Written exercises: 3.4.1, parts (1) and (2) of 3.4.3, part (1) of 3.4.5.
9 10/28 Written exercises: 3.2.6, 3.3.5, 3.3.10. Bonus question (7 points): Part (1) of 3.2.7
8 10/21 Written exercises: 3.2.1, 3.2.2.
7 10/14 Written exercises: 2.7.5, 2.8.3, 2.8.9.
6 9/30 Written exercises: Part (1) of 2.6.1, 2.6.17, "show uniqueness" part of 2.6.18.
Bonus question (7 points): work out the part of 2.6.18 where you show existence when p is less than one.
5 9/23 Written exercises: Exercises 2.5.6, 2.5.8, 2.5.10, 2.5.12 (all parts).
4 9/16 Written exercises: Parts (2) and (8) of 2.3.1, part (2) of 2.3.2 and part (5) of 2.3.7.
3 9/9 Oral exercises: One person needs to present parts (1) and (11) of 1.5.4; another one needs to present parts (2) and (3) of 1.5.5.
Written exercises: part (2) of 1.5.7, part (1) of 1.6.2, exercise 1.6.3.
2 9/2 Oral exercises: One person needs to present 1.3.5, parts (1) and (6); another one needs to present the multiplication part of 1.3.3.
Written exercises: part (14) of 1.3.5, part (1) of 1.3.6, and the board problem below.
Board problem: write the first six members of the following sequence: Ø, {Ø}, {Ø, {Ø}}, {Ø, {Ø}, {Ø, {Ø}}}. The first item is the empty set, and the next item is always the set of all previous items.
1 8/26 Exercises 1.2.1, 1.2.2 (part (4) only), 1.2.4 (part (3) only) and 1.3.2