Instructor: | Gábor Hetyei Office: Fretwell 335F, Phone: 687-1045, E-mail: Tuesdays 4:00 to 4:45 pm or by appointment. |
Text: | The Real Numbers and Real Analysis by Ethan D. Bloch, Springer, ISBN: 9780387721774. | ||||
Prerequisite: | MATH 6100 with a grade of C or better or consent of the department. | ||||
Topics: |
Test dates: |
Homework: |
Homework will be assigned every week, some to be turned in in writing,
some will be presented by a volunteer or a randomly selected student in
class. Since we meet only once per week, you should be planning on attending all
lectures. If you are unable to come to a class you have to turn in all
homework assigned for oral presentation on that day.
I will make an effort to regularly post the homework on the webpage
Evaluation: | Grades will be based on: 34% for the homework, 33% for the midterm, and 33% for the final (22% for the mandatory part, 11% for the optional part). | ||||
Tuesdays 5:00-7:45 pm in Fretwell 114. | ||||
Homepage: | |