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Special arrangements to make up for lost lecture time, due to inclement weather
(MATH 6118, Spring 2014)
Instructor: Gábor Hetyei Last update: Thursday, February 27, 2014

As agreed in class, we will make up for lost lecture time by learning some material from online handouts. The material I selected for this purpose is inversion. Please read the following handouts: Also read Section 12.3 (pages 133-135) and Chapter 19 (pages 221-225) in Professor Royster's notes, and study the following online sources: To verify that you have learned the above material, you have to turn in Assignment M by Tuesday March 17 at latest. However, you want to read the above material during Spring Break, as we will be heavily using it when we discuss the various models of the hyperbolic plane. Contact me by email or come to my office hours if you need any help.