Calculus from an Advanced Viewpoint
(MATH 6102-001, Spring 2015)

Instructor: Gábor Hetyei
Office: Fretwell 335F, Phone: 687-1045, E-mail:
Office hours: MW 10:55-11:25 am, W 4:15-4:40 pm, or by appointment.
Text: The Real Numbers and Real Analysis by Ethan D. Bloch, Springer, ISBN: 9780387721774.
Prerequisite: MATH 6101 with a grade of C or better or consent of the department.
  1. Differentiation (Chapter 4)
  2. Integration (Chapter 5)
  3. Sequences and Series of Functions (Chapter 10, Sections 1-4 only, also Section 9.5)
These are the core topics we have to cover. Time permitting we will also look into Chapter 7, to learn more about logarithmic, exponential, and trigonometric functions.
Test dates:
Midterm: Wednesday February 25, 5:00-6:15 pm.
Final Exam: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm
(Double-check in the UNCC Exam schedule !)
The final exam will be cumulative, consisting of two parts. The first part will be mandatory, covering only material taught after the midterm. The second half will contain questions reviewing the material taught before the midterm. This part will be optional, if left unanswered, I will substitute your midterm score.
Homework: Homework will be assigned every week, most to be turned in in writing, some will be presented by a randomly selected student in class. Since we meet only once per week, you should be planning on attending all lectures. If you are unable to come to a class you have to turn in all homework assigned for oral presentation on that day. I will make an effort to regularly post the homework on the webpage
In case of discrepancy, what I said in class is "official".
Evaluation: Grades will be based on: 34% for the homework, 33% for the midterm, and 33% for the final (22% for the mandatory part, 11% for the optional part).
Class meeting: Wednesdays 5:00 - 7:45 pm in Fretwell 407. The room was changed on Thursday, January 8, 2015.
Disabilities: UNC Charlotte is committed to access to education. If you have a disability and need academic accommodations, please provide a letter of accommodation from Disability Services early in the semester. For more information on accommodations, contact the Office of Disability Services at 704-687-0040 or visit their office at Fretwell 230.