of Mathematics
of North Carolina
at Charlotte
University of North Carolina
at Charlotte
9201 University City Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
Office: Fretwell 345A
Office Hours call me at the number below
Telephone: (704)-999-9199
687-1731 office
FAX: (704) 687-6415
Electronic Mail: hbreiter@uncc.edu
Current Activities
- Starting
in late September 2023, Tyler Erb and I will teach one/two sections on an AMC10/AIME
preparation course on Saturdays or Sundays or both. The problems and papers are
here at Exotic Arithmetic. There will be 10
sessions. TAs will hold office hours during the week and teams will be assigned weekly projects.
Also, I plan to hired several all-star teaching
assistants who will conduct office hours one night each week.
The cost of the course is $500.
Students can get a head start in the course by reading and
understanding the paper AreaModel.
- Starting in September, 2023 I plan to offer again
a free 8 week AMC8 preparation course. Altogether 38 students volunteered to teach the
70 minutes weekly sessions. As usual, the
sessions are on Zoom. I supply the problems and solutions to the TAs.
During the 30 days from mid-August to mid September, I will be looking for 400 middle scho take this free course.
I'll distribute a google sign-up form as soon as the teachers select their days and times.
- In July 11
until July 22, 2023 Tyler Erb and I offered the two week, 10 session courses Exotic
Arithmetic 1 and Exotic Arithmetic 2. The tuition was $500 for each of
these courses.
- Starting in
August, am back tutoring my local students as well as my Jakarta students.
- I'm honored and
excited about coaching and leading four teams of four students in the June 27 to July 5
International Mathematics Competitions IIMC.
This marks the second time the United States has been a part of the IMC.
The deputy leader is my friend Dr Tao Hong.
I'm especially grateful to my Indonesian friends for including the
United States.
In July 2017 my problem
book with Y Z Zou and Jon Kane was published at World
PublishingCooperation (Beijing) .
book American
Mathematical Contests, A Guide to Success,
is designed for use by both American and Chinese
high school students. It consists of six parts
in four volumes, Basic Knowledge, Essays, Practice Problems, Past
Contest Problems (including MATHCOUNTS, ARML, Purple Comet, AMC8,
AMC10, AMC12, AIME, and several others. Here's a video
intro to the book. The new edition is expected in 2021. The KendallHunt version for the US and Europe is
ready. It's 720 pages, sells for $60 (8 cents per page, roughly). Order
it at KH.
- I was
pleased to be invited to conduct a Family Friday session at the Museum
of Mathematics. The topic is Chameleon
Cubes. In addition, I presented Fusing Dots at the
Island Math Circle on Saturday, Oct. 8. In January 2017 I was asked to
write four blogs for the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The format is somewhat
restrictive so the originals had to be reduced in size. Here are the
four originals, Area
Model, Cubes, Fractions,
and StIves.
- I
was delighted to be invited to lecture
and talk with students and teachers in Bogor, Indonesia in April 2014
and again in January 2018.
For a list of topics I discussed, click
proud and excited to have worked during the summer of 2010 at the
Academy for Mathematics, Science, Arts and Technology, AMSAT,
in Bangalore, India and I hope to do it again.
- I've
enjoyed conducting seminars for the Davidson Institute
on three
occasions. Here's the link to the September 2011
seminar on KenKen. In April 2013 I conducted
Intermediate KenKen for DYS. I've posted the files we used in the same
place. I'm looking forward to hosting another seminar in Janaury, 2015
on KenKen and Modular Arithmetic.
- I'm
happy to report a website for problems. Problem-Attic
has 80,000 questions for students in grades 3 through 12, many of
them closely tied to the Common Core State Standards.
the UNCC contest problems are included. And it is
free. Also, I wholeheartedly recommend the new AMC Advantage at Edfinity.com. Its
designed to help AMC 10 and 12 students diagnose their weaker areas and
provide exercises to overcome those weaknesses.
- On
October 11, 2012 I was presented the North Carolina Board of Governors'
Award for Public Service at the Board of Governors' meeting in Chapel
Hill. My remarks can be found here.
The video tape Thomas Todd of UNC TV produced for the event is here . The
university held a reception on January 16. Here
is a pointer to the website.
In February, 2013 I gave a talk at a meeting of Math Chairs in the
state of Georgia. Here's what I
Buy my book The
Contest Problem Book VII for in pdf form ( $51.00 at Amazon).
You can buy it from the MAA
or at The
Art of Problem Solving Website
Current Activities
- The North
Carolina AMC homepage
- The UNCC Math Contest.
- In
October 2009, I
was awarded the W. W. Rankin Award for excellence in math education at
the annual meeting of the North Carolina Council of Teachers of
Mathematics. I'm very grateful for this award. The citation is here.
- A
paper by Dan Kennedy that pretty well sums up the way I feel about
teaching and testing. It appeared recently in Mathematics
- Papers
I wrote from August 2000 to August 2001 about teaching and learning.
Its mainly intended for Math 1100 students, but also applies to other
classes My
philosophy of teaching, part 1
My philosophy of teaching, part 2
- Here
an essay
by William Thurston, famous mathematician, which has influenced my
thinking about mathematical
- I
have recently taught the following courses:
- Math 1100, College Algebra (Fall
1999; Spring 2000; Fall 2000; Fall 2001; Fall 2002; Fall 2007 online
course )
- Math 1102, Introduction to Mathematical Thinking, (Spring
2002; Fall 2006)
- Math 1120, Business Calculus
(Spring 2002; Spring 2003; Summer 2003; Spring 2004; Summer 2005;
Spring 2006; Fall 2006; Spring 2007; Fall 2007; Spring 2008; Fall 2008,
Spring 2009, Fall 2009, sections 8 and 10; Spring 2010, sections 1 and
2; Fall, 2010, sections 6 and 9; Spring 2011, sections 1 and 2;
sections 6 and 9, Fall 2011and Fall 2012, sections
1 and 2;
sections 6 and 9, Spring 2013 and Fall 2013; sections 1 and 2, Spring,
2014. )
- Math 1165, Discrete Math
(Fall 2002; Spring 2003, Fall 2005; Spring 2007)
- My
course Introduction to Number Concepts is an online Blackboard-Vista
course. Students can access the content material at Number Concepts
- Math 1241, Calculus 1 (Spring 2004)
- Math
1242, Calculus 2 (Fall
2004, Spring 2005, Fall 2005, Spring 2006)
- Math 3166, Combinatorics (Spring
- Math 6105, Problem Solving in Discrete Mathematics Summer
Workshop in Discrete Math for CMS Teachers, summers, 2001-2006.
- Combinatorial Games, (Summers, 1992, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99) Summer
Ventures in Science and Math
- I
enjoyed leading a seminar for the Charlotte Teachers
Institute entitled Understanding
Fundamental Ideas in Mathematics at a Deep Level. during the
fall of 2009.
- I
completed my term as past president of the National High School and
Two-year College Honor Society (after serving as president for the two
years 2001-2003) in July 2004 Mu
Alpha Theta. I
thoroughly enjoyed representing MAO at the
International Science and Engineering Fair ISEF in May 2004. For a
picture of me with the 2004
ISEF-MAO Scholarship winner, Andrew "Drew" Matteson of Amarillo,
TX, click here
- In
2005 I wrote the Autumn
Math Challenge, a
contest for college in the Midwest. Click here to
access the scores and here to
access the test. The solutions are here.
- In
2006 Arthur Holshouser and I wrote the Autumn Math Challenge, a team
contest for undergraduates in the Midwest.
Click here to access the
and the ranking. Click here to access
the test. The solutions
are here.
- The
website Johns Hopkins/ CTY webmagazine Cogito
recently interviewed me.
- You
can access my problems published in the Sunday (London) Times Problems
- In
May 2003, and again 2005, 2007, 2008, and 2011, I was appointed to the
Awards Selection Committee.
- In
July 2003, I was appointed to the College Board CLEP Mathematics Committee.
- In
August 2002, I was awarded the Paul Erdos Award by the World
Federation of National Mathematics Competitions at its
biennial meeting. The citation is here.
The WFNMC brings together mathematicians who use mathematical problems
and challenges to stimulate learning at the pre-college level. For
pictures I took on my August 2002 trip, check Australia Trip
- In
June 2005, Betty and I took a Grand
Circle Cruise of the
lower Danube from Constanta, Romania
to Budapest, Hungary
where we met our daughter and her family. The cruise pictures are at Cruise2005
- I
completed my second term as a MathCounts question writer and as chair of
the QWC in
2003-2004. In 2008 I was appointed to be one of seven judges. The
judges are responsible, among other things, for the proofing of the
questions for all rounds of the competition.
- I
have served on the State
(of NC) Contest Committee
for many years.
- I
completed my duties as chair of the AMC 12 (and AMC 10 for 2000)
Contest in 1999. See American
Math Competitions.
I still serve on several panels of the AMC.
- I
completed my term as the chair of SAT II Mathematics committee of the
Educational Testing Service in August 1999. I have been a 'Reader' for
the AP Calculus papers in 1978. To find out more about the College
Board and ETS, see their websites. I especially enjoyed the 2004
reading. Click here for two photos taken at the reading in Fort
Collins, CO. The whole table of readers and just me.
- I
am currently serving on the ETS/College Board CLEP (College-Level Examination Program) Pre-calculus
Committee, Sept 2002-present.
- In
my spare time I like domestic and international
travel, jogging, racket sports, staring at Stereograms
from Magic Eye. And Optical
Illusions. Also, I like
playing mathematical games like SET, chess,
and bridge.
I've almost completely given up sudoku in favor of Kenken.
Also see NYTimes.
Even my two grandsons John and Peter love Kenken. I especially
recommend this to elementary school teachers. Also, see my paper KenKen.
- I
no lnger
write the
regular column called My Favorite Problems in the Journal Mathematics and
Informatics Quarterly.
- During
the summer of 2000, my daughter Ashley Ahlin and
I gave a
workshop at Iolani School in Honolulu for
MATHCOUNTS coaches. See above to read about how I
spend my summers at math camps now.
- My
research papers
since 1989.
American Mathematics Competitions
Things to do
of Mathematical Organizations
of Mathematical Interest to Students and
with Mathematical Problems
with Mathematical Problems for younger problem solvers
for High School
and College Students
Science Competitions for high school and pre-high school students.
Math and Science Competitions
Scholarship Opportunities for High School
for College Students
< /span>
I'm married
to a
wonderful woman Betty
Reiter. I'm
proud that at the age of 56 she was awarded a PhD from the University
of South Carolina. She is retired now after a successful career
teaching mathematics and computer science at UNC Charlotte, Winthrop
University, University of Hawaii, Davidson College and Central Piedmont
Community College. Betty also taught at Clemson University and Richmond
College (London) during the years we spent in those places.
also proud of Betty's and my daughter Ashley Reiter
Ahlin who received her PhD. at University of Chicago
June 2002
working in the area of Geometric Algebra. She lives in East Lansing,
Michigan where her husband Chris
is a professor of Economics at Michigan State University. I
maintain a list of articles by and about
Ashley at http://webpages.uncc.edu/~hbreiter/ashley.htm .
An interview of Ashley for
took place in 2010.
Check out my
Ahlin, born June 24, 2006 and John
Ahlin. Here are others taken in March 2009: Peter,
John and Peter. Our
youngest grandchild is Elizabeth
Joy Ahlin, born July 5, 2009, and in March 2010, in Orlando
here she is. Finally,
here's the whole family
at Disney.
To see an
extensive vita, click
I've attended:
Lafayette High until the 12th grade.
Byrd High, Shreveport, LA, 1960;
State University, BS.,
Mathematics, 1964;
University, MS., Mathematics,
of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, 1965-1966;
University, Ph.D., Mathematics,
Erdos number is
3: Erdos,
Istvan Vincze, George Csordas, me.
Julia Robinson Math Festival
Taught at UNC Charlotte:
Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Discrete
taught courses: Calculus
I, Calculus II, Business Calculus, College Algebra;
Ventures in Science and Math: Combinatorial Games;
Workshop in Discrete
Math for Teachers
Charlotte Observer
articles by and about me
Research Interests
use of problems and challenges to stimulate
mathematics learning.
get in touch with me. ..
Harold B. Reiter
Department of Mathematics
Univ. of North Carolina Charlotte
Charlotte, NC 28223
Phone: 704-999-9199
email: hbreiter@uncc.edu
Email from a distance
Charlotte Math Department Home Page
Charlotte Homepage
counter installed
late June 2005. Disabled Janaury 2011 with about 126000 hits.
updated August 2018 by Harold