Lecture 5: Distance formula, Lines, Slopes

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By today you should have read through Chapter 1 of the text and done problems 4n+1, n=0,...,8 in section 1.3 and 4n+1, n=0,...,18 in section 1.4.

Brief review of the lecture

What's special about a line? If you measure the change in y divided by the change in x for any two points on a line, you get always get the same quotient. We talked about two problems beside the quiz last Friday.
1. Let L denote the line through (1,5) and (-1,9). Which of the following points also belongs to L?
A. (10,-10) B. (10,-12) C. (10,-13) D. (10,-15) E. (10,-20)

2. Find an equation for the line that perpendicularly bisects the segment joining the points (2,4) and (4,12).

Classification of Polynomials
Degree Symbolic representation Common representation Name Maximum # of zeros
0 a0 c constant none
1 a1x+a0 mx+b linear 1
2 a2x2+a1x+a0 ax2+bx+c quadratic 2
3 a3x3+a2x2+a1x+a0 none cubic 3
4 as expected none quartic 4

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