UNC- Charlotte ECGR4892/6185/8185
Advanced Embedded Systems-Spring 2005
Lecture, 2:30-3:50 PM, MW, Kennedy 229
Main Page
Web site updated
April 25, 2005
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Lecture: 2:30 - 3:50 p.m. MW, Kennedy 229
James M. Conrad:
Phone: (704) 687-2535 Campus Office: Smith 341 Office hours: When the door is open
Sami Lasassmeh, slasassm@uncc.edu, Smith 345b, office hours 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 Tue/Thurs, AND 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. on days that labs are due.
ECGR 4892/6185/8185 Resources
Course Syllabus - General information about how the course is conducted.
M30262-SKP Tutorial, Sample Programs, & Device Drivers directories
Documentation contained in the MSV30262-SKP directories
Prerequisite knowledge refresher - ECGR 4101/5101 Embedded Systems Course
Here is an "Acronym Sheet", as provided by a TA at NCSU.
For those of you doing an ORCAD design, here are some guidelines (by Steven Tucker)
UNCC Resources
Academic Dishonesty - Please read this discourse.
Academic Dishonesty - The UNC Charlotte policy
If caught, you will be given this form (filled out) to sign
Study Strategies - Useful study tips and strategies that will help you get ahead.
For fun, look at Bill Gates' advice to kids.