
Printable version of Syllabus
Printable version of Course Schedule
Printable version of Submission Policies

Submission Guidelines and Due Dates
Printable version of homework assignments from the textbook

General Information

This is a course on differential calculus, which includes the following topics: various representations of functions, limits, and derivatives. In particular, we will cover the first 4 chapters of Stewart's text. All assignments and class handouts can be found on the class website in addition to most of them being distributed in class. I expect every student to attend each class and will take attendance.


I will not tolerate cheating. While I encourage you to use any and all resources at your disposal to complete homework and project assignments, I expect that for tests and quizzes your work is entirely your own and that you do not use any unauthorized materials (ie: notes). It is your responsibility to know the student code of integrity and how it applies to this class (ie: Look at definition of cheating. Almost everything else isn't applicable since this is a math class.).

The Code of Academic Integrity
The Code of Student Responsibility


Bring any questions to class. If we do not have time to go over all the questions at the beginning of class, you can ask me after class, come by my office, email me, or call me.

Late Work

Late homework will be accepted until the solutions are posted on the class website.

Extra Credit

There will be opportunities for extra credit both on the class tests and on the homework.

Tests & Make-up Work

There will be three in-class tests and a final exam. A review for each test will be held during the class prior to the test. You must come to me ahead of time to arrange for make-up tests.

Special Accommodations

If you plan to seek special accommodations (ie: extended time through the Office of Disability Services or accommodations for religious observances), be sure to contact the appropriate department and follow their instructions for obtaining accommodations, including dealing with the related paperwork.