Parallel Programming Software

B. Wilkinson, modified April 4, 2016

VirtualBox-Ubuntu virtual machine (32-bit): ParallelProg-32.ova (Note 2.1 GB+)

Our standard VM installation has the following software stack:

  • 32-bit Ubuntu Linux OS version 14.04, with the gcc compiler. (32-bit OS is used in the VM to avoid problems if you do not have hardware virtualization.)
  • OpenMPI version 1.8.1
  • Java version 1.7 (Java is needed for Eclipse)
  • Eclipse version 4.4.0 (Luna) with PTP (tools for Parallel Applications Developers)
  • Cisco AnyConnect VPN Software
  • Sample files given below within ~/ParallelProg

The version numbers may change over time.

Documentation and Additional Information

Files and libraries installed within directory ~/ParallelProg:








workspaceNetwork - Same as Multicore version except Seeds libraries: