Step 2 of 7: Getting
The first step in using MPI is to create a MPI directory
under your root directory. To do this, execute the 'mkdir'
command in a command tool:
Second, you must have a file called .rhosts.
This file will allow connections from the specified machines
by the specified user names. This will allow MPI to start a
process on the specified machine. An example of the .rhosts
file is given below. This file should be stored in your home
# .rhosts -- File allowing remote connections
from specified machine and user
# The second argument must be your user name.
+ jaalley |
Once you have the .rhosts file, you need to
execute the following commands at a command tool prompt from
inside your home directory:
chmod 600 .rhosts
% fs setacl . system:anyuser rl
% fs setacl ~/MPI system:anyuser rl |
