Step 6 of 9: Understanding Makefiles

Before we compile the Makefile.aimk, here is a quick preview of what they mean. To understand better, a sample makefile.aimk can be viewed, by clicking below. 

Makefiles use the Unix make utility to compile programs. The make utility reads the makefile file and determines which tasks need to be performed to create the executable file. A makefile allows the user to type the paths to the different files and libraries only once, and use them every time the program needs to be compiled.

The makefile used for PVM applications makes use of the aimk script. This script incorporates some macros that are needed to make PVM applications architecture independent. This means that the same source code can be compiled on various architectures, and then a heterogeneous virtual system may be used.

Click here for a sample makefile that can be used in a PVM system. Make sure to replace the file names with the your corresponding "master" and "slave" file names.