Home About Me Assignment 2

Assignment #2: Strategy

Problem Statement:

Design an instrument for a more effective transfer of laundry from the washer to the dryer. This device will contain the ability to fold clothes, too. This device should allow for a quicker way to complete house-hold chores without having to be present in the case that everyday life gets in the way. The automatic transfer of laundry will eliminate the issue of worrying about soaking clothes that have been forgetten in the washing machine all day. The machine will have automatically retractable arms with mesh baskets attached that make for an easy scoop and transfer. Another specification is that it can be programmed to perform for both top and front loading washing and drying machines. The machine will also have an additional programming option to fold the laundry once it's dried. This device should be manufactured so it can be easily used, assembled, and cleaned by any able-bodied persons of an independently functioning age.


This device should have an easy and effective use. The tool should eliminate the worry, frustration, and hassle of transferring wet laundry from the washing machine to the dryer. It should be sized to appropriate dimensions so that it accomodates easy storage and is light enough for everyone's use.

Gantt Chart:

2156 Gantt Chart

The above link is the Gantt Chart for this project. As the semester progresses, the chart will be updated.

Sketches (Strategies 1-3)

Operational Analysis (Strategies 1-3)

FRDPARRC Tables (Strategies 1-3)

Strategy 1: The Lazy Ones

This strategy is designed to help young adults, like myself, who are too busy and too forgetful to move their clothes from the washer to the dryer. Most of us being college students, the last thing we'd want to do is waste more laundry detergent, that we cannot afford, having to re-wash the clothes because they sat in their dampness for too long. By having an affordable and accessible automatic transfer system, this problem would be eliminated. As an extra appeal to the younger users, the built-in speakers can be programmed with music of choice that plays once the transfer is complete, giving you the satisfaction to check a chore off your list.

Strategy 2: The Older Ones

This strategy is designed to appeal to seniors and people with disabilities who may find something as simple as laundry difficult to manuever. Bending over to change or pick up large loads of laundry can be strenuous and often times a hassle to people of all ages, but especially those who are amoung the elder. With this machine having high mobility and stability, people with less range and ability can rid themselves of the physical strains of laundry. The wheels at the bottom of the legs of the machine will allow for mobility throughout the home in order to pick up loads of laundry wherever needed.

Strategy 3: The Busy Ones

This strategy will allow the busy and working Moms and Dads to have one less worry about house chores and focus more family, friends, and work. With a turbo mode, this machine can kick it into gear to transition and fold multiple loads of laundry at record speed. The additional stress that laundry provides after coming home after a stressful work day will be eliminated by this product and allow for an affordable, safe, durable, and reliable substitute to the typically slow paced process in a fast paced lifestyle.

Lessons Learned

  • I learned how to make a Gantt Chart.
  • I learned that I am far too indecisive to stick to one product.
  • I learned the helpfulness of the organization of a FRDPARRC Table.
  • I learned that there's multiple sources for any design project.
  • I learned how to increase the appeal of my webpage.
  • I learned that there are many things in my life I'd gladly let a machine do for me.

Activities Date and Time

  • Create Gantt Chart starting with Assignment 1 10/05/20 4-6pm
  • Decided on a Problem Statement 10/05/20 6-6:30pm
  • Thought of ways to improve my design 10/05/18 - 10/08/20
  • Decided on three demographics who would benefit from this machine most 10/06/20 10:15am
  • Decided on specific elements that would appeal to each group 10/06/20 10:45am
  • Generated FRDPARRC Tables 10/06/20 1-2pm
  • Generated drawings 10/06/20 2pm-3pm
  • Added Assignment 2 to Gantt Chart 10/07/20 9am-9:30am
  • Uploaded all links to Assignment 2 Page 10/07/20 10:30am
  • Viewed Nate Hardy's Webpage 10/07/20 10:45am
  • Final update and check-through of Assignment 2 Page 10/07/20 11:00am

Comments for Nate Hardy

  • Your page is very asthetically pleasing and I love your use of background imaging and different fonts.
  • There has been no update of Assignment 2 yet but I will continute to check back before the due date and time!