Design an instrument for a more effective transfer of laundry from the washer to the dryer. This device, of a selected model, will contain the ability to fold clothes, too. This device should allow for a quicker way to complete house-hold chores without having to be present in the case that everyday life gets in the way. The automatic transfer and optional folding of laundry will eliminate the issue of worrying about soaking clothes that have been forgetten in the washing machine all day. The machine will have automatically retractable arms with mesh baskets attached that make for an easy scoop and transfer. Another specification is that it can be programmed to perform for both top and front loading washing and drying machines. The machine will also have an additional programming option to fold the laundry once it's dried. This device should be manufactured so it can be easily used, assembled, and cleaned by any able-bodied persons of an independently functioning age.
This device should have an easy and effective use. It should be cost efficient and safe for every day use. The tool should eliminate the worry, frustration, and hassle of transferring wet laundry from the washing machine to the dryer. It should be sized to appropriate dimensions so that it accomodates easy storage and is light enough for everyone's use.
The Pugh Decision Matrix clarifies that the correct strategy to move forward with in the design process is the 'Busy One' Although all of the offered designs do have their own unique displays, the 'Busy One' is the most promising in regards to consumer appeal. The 'Lazy One' is what many would refer to as the 'Standard' or 'Stock" model of this design. Offering a smaller design for optimal storage, it is not the most efficient for those supplying or working for more than one person. The 'Older One', though close in rating to the winning design, still offers appealing features. With the option of being already assembled, having an extended neck, and a safe maneuvering system, this design is great for those in need of additional assistance but is not ideal to the targeted public. The highest decision matrix score being the 'Busy One' will offer the options of turbo speed, double the weight and work load, and the setting to fold. This is the best option for the design in most all categories and is designated as the correct strategy. Justified drawings and calculations can be found below under "Multiple Solutions".
The sketches, written, and equated analysis for each of the three concepts are linked below.
FRDPARRC Tables (Concepts 1-3)
The above link is the Gantt Chart for this project. As the semester progresses, the chart will be updated.